[@The Man Emperor] [img]https://comicvine1.cbsistatic.com/uploads/original/11115/111151927/5872089-7844188935-Ultim.jpg[/img] [color=ed1c24][u][b]Templar[/b][/u][/color] William Akinson stared the hero down; “I am no villain; i would never harm a man, woman or child” The knight gripped his sword a bit harder; but before he could further explain himself the other hero started to attack him. He felt the whips attaching against the gauntlet of his armor; Quickly cutting the whips with his sword and looking quite annoyed. “If you will not help me get rid of the filth that poisons our streets; then you should stand down and not get in my way” The knight held his sword high in the air; the sword soon became electrified. The tall knight rushing forward towards the hero, wanting to press the underside of his sword against the hero’s body. Attempting to electrocute him; and hopefully knock him out or knock him onto the floor. If successful then he could make his escape though the alleyway; if he was not successful then he would have to try and counter attack the hero. ----------------------------------------------------- [@King Cosmos] [img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/marvel_dc/images/0/0f/RagDollTheBatman.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20100110173523[/img] [color=0072bc][u][i]Verdrehte[/i][/u][/color] The young thief luckily had found an empty vodka bottle in the hallway; which would help with his appearance of being a homeless man. However he became worried that his disguise was compromised when the drones from the museum was starting to attack him; He quickly used his acting skills to pretend to being a homeless man. “Kami wa sore o kokuhyō shimasu. Watashi kara ori nasai. Watashi ga kōgeki sa rete iru no o tetsudatte kudasai. (God damn it; get off of me. Help me i'm being attacked); Help me help me; i’m being attacked” He yelled out loud waving his arms back and forth. The bottle being waved around above his head; the disguised villain running towards the streets. He could see civilians staring at him; in the back of his mind he wondered if he could besmirch the heroes by making it look like this hero attacked an innocent person. The only thing that connected him to his crime was the painting inside of his backpack; so he would have to play it cool and not bring attention to his knapsack. Using the vodka bottle to try and swat at the drones; while screaming for someone to help him.