[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/BKV06Ya.png[/img][/center] Steph exhaled in relief after the harpy’s partially decapitated body crashed to the floor in front of her. [color=DeepSkyBlue][i]Welp, I guess that takes care of [b]that[/b]… Now I just have to deal with those creatures out there…[/i][/color] Moving to a better position, Steph saw that several of the beasts were gathered around a centrally located building, attempting to get inside. She only had three, perhaps four, shots left, so she needed to make each one count. Taking careful aim on the first creature’s head, she squeezed the trigger, snapping off a quick shot, before moving on to the next. One. Two. Three… [i]Four.[/i] A quartet of corpses now lay upon the ground surrounding the building, but there were still six of the creatures left, and Steph’s rifle was now completely out of energy. She needed a new plan… Thinking fast, she instructed her nanites to reassemble her rifle into a sword. Although she was reluctant to engage the creatures in close combat, she knew her enhanced body was fully capable of doing so. She took a deep breath. [color=DeepSkyBlue][i]Okay… Here goes nothing![/i][/color] Leaping from her balcony, Steph used the momentum she had generated to bring her blade down hard upon her first target’s neck. This, coupled with her superhuman strength, allowed her weapon to slice clean through, neatly decapitating the creature. Wasting no time, she swiftly jumped over to the next beast and repeated the process. She kept this up until the area around the central structure was completely free of the beasts. This didn’t mean Steph was about to let down her guard, though. She had been keeping count, and she was well aware that there were a few beasts still unaccounted for. Not wishing to hunt them down, and potentially be caught unawares, she opted to take up a defensive position in front of the structure’s entrance and wait for them to come to her…