[hr][hr][center][url=https://fontmeme.com/fonts/canada-mist-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200727/575aa0505f739e725bce92844e7346fb.png[/img][/url][/center][hr][hr] The lord of Lethe let the shimmering visage of the inn fade from his mind as he shifted his attention back to his realm. There was quite a bit of work ahead of him given what he had planned, so he couldn't spend all day watching his avatar faff about. Withdrawing from the vision of Galbar as he moved deeper into his realm, Viris soon found himself at its center. So, gathering his vaporous form together as tightly as he could, Viris started work on his grandest project yet. The creation of what he called an "oversoul." A massive fracture from the infinite whole of his divine self, but not one to be cast down and used by a mortal as in Ibel's case. No, this was to be used by many, for he had heard his servants unuttered pleas and would leave them unanswered no longer. Thus would he take this part of himself and keep it here as the spring from which others would draw, not only so Ibel might rest, but also so he could more broadly enforce his will. With that done he could eliminate more knowledge than ever before. It was the perfect plan, yet one minor flaw still nagged, gnawing at the back of his young mind like a malnourished rat with a seed. Just how was he was to bestow such power to his mortal followers? He assumed that the rest of his siblings did so through blessings, as that seemed to be the most straightforward choice, yet he was not as fortunate. Perhaps it was because of his inexperience, the fact that he was still relatively weak in comparison to everyone else, or his very nature, but he simply lacked the ability to influence the mortal realm in such a direct and impactful way. So what was he to do? Honestly he had no idea, not presently anyway. So, seeing no immediate solution, the conceptual returned his attention to finishing the creation of the oversoul for the time being. Looking within, he carved a rather sizeable chunk out of his own essence and cradled it in his hands, watching as more of the multicolored Lifeblood rushed in to fill the hole that had been left behind, just like before. Lifting this fragment on high, Viris gradually began to mold it into a spherical form, compacting it firmly until it held the shape he desired. With that done he bent over to place the fragment on the ground and, balling his hands into fists, slammed them into the barren earth, causing it to fracture and crack before rocketing up into the air where it remained A monolith of change in a land of consistency. Snapping his fingers, the god of forgetfulness observed the orb as it flew into the air, its interior pulsating with deific power. It hovered there, suspended by some unseen force, as the glow within slowly grew stronger, flooding the realm with a cobalt tinged radiance. Satisfied with his handiwork, Viris moved to the edge of the pillar and jumped, becoming one with the roiling fog below... [hider=Summary] Wanting give the followers that would undoubtedly arise from Ibel's acts the same powers as his avatar, so they can more easily carry out his will, Viris begins the construction of his grandest project yet... The realization of an Oversoul from which his followers can draw a fraction of his memory stealing power. There is a slight problem with this plan, however, namely the fact that he has yet to figure out exactly how they should go about doing such. He ponders this of course but, failing to arrive at a satisfying course of action, returns his attention to finishing his creation instead. [b]Memory Eater (III):[/b] Members of this order can steal a person's memories with nothing more than a touch, provided it is one with full skin to skin contact. Unlike Ibel, however, they may only take one memory from a target at a time, and even then must do such knowing they have ample time to process what they've seen, as each memory taken will feel as though it were actually lived. Additionally, order members do not have to acquire their target's consent in order to steal a particular memory, but they will find the process that much harder as a result. (1 MP + 2 free with Forgetting portfolio) [/hider] [hider=MP/DP Summary] Start: 2 MP, 3 DP. >1 MP spent on the creation of Memory Eater. End: 1 MP, 3 DP. [/hider]