[quote=@Shadow Dragon] He nods, and he changes back into his monster form, spreading his massive wings, and taking off, flying out, and over to Draygons castle, the animals and humans scattering like mice before the scythe. He flies in though a window, and kneels before Draygon, head bowed. "You summoned me Master?" [/quote] [center][h1][b][i][color=662d91]Draygon's Castle[/color][/i][/b][/h1][/center] [color=4682B4]"I summoned you because Jub Jub Bird has been killed. She was one of your crew, was she not?"[/color] Jabberwocky did not move, Draygon continued speaking, [color=4682B4]"Go to Tinkertown in the mountains south from here. Investigate her death, report to me what you find. Destroy any that threaten us. If they are hiding one of the podlings, bring it to me."[/color] The air was cold and ominous, [color=4682B4]"Now, GO!!"[/color]