Leonidas gave a little grin as he saw his comment had brought Rudolph at least a little comfort. [color=8493ca][b]"If the city were under attack, we'd be hearing those new toys going off."[/b][/color] "[color=fff200][b]That we would, and we should take that as a good sign." He added slapping his palm onto Rudolph's shoulder. "We will make it in time to help your home that I promise you.[/b][/color]" Leonidas said just as Faira came to add her comment to the situation. [b][color=a2d39c]"Unless the fighting is over,"[/color][/b] "[color=fff200][b]I doubt our luck is that bad, if that were the case there would be signs of that as well, we're close enough that we would see the fires if the city had fallen.[/b][/color]" He responded knowing at the very least they weren't to late. Then a bit of commotion caught Leonidas' attention as Acrius got into a scuffle with a few of the soldiers. And after turning his attention to the boy, Leonidas was somehow able to break up the fight with just a look. [b][color=#FF9900]"Good morrow to you Prince Leonidas."[/color][/b] "[color=fff200][b]Don't give me that, What have I told you about getting into Scuffles with the soldiers?[/b][/color]" He said back still giving the boy a look. Although young and hot headed Acrius had a good head on his shoulders and had a good bit of potential. And before he could continue to grill the boy Zatana joined the conversation giving what was probably a good idea. [color=SlateBlue]"Perhaps, Your Highness, I should go ahead of the company and see the state of Bergkoff. If the fighting is finished, or not yet started, the information would be valuable, yes?"[/color] "[color=fff200][b]Good idea Zatana, please do take one of the horses and head out as soon as....[/b][/color]" It was then that the ground rumbled and a booming sound rang out in the distance. Leonidas instantly knew what that meant. and quickly turned to the camp. "[color=fff200][b]All troops its time to move! The city of Bergoff is under attack! This is what we came for. I want everyone to be ready to move in 5 minutes![/b][/color]" He yelled out to the troops before turning back to those gathered around him. [@LadyRunic][@Gisk]"[color=fff200][b]Zatana, Faira I want you two to each grab a horse and ride ahead. I want a report on the enemy units by the time the rest of us arrive."[/b][/color] He ordered not waiting for the two of them to leave before continuing hid orders. [@Borosev] "Rudolph I want you to lead our infantry troops to the city. You should know this area and know the best way home and where a good place to strike should be." He continued before turning to Acrius. [@Inertia][@Fetzen] "I'm not finished with you, we will talk later... for now your with me. You as well Manald, the three of us will take the Calvary units and lead the charge." Leonidas turned back to the troops who were now hurrying around preparing for their fight. "We will not let Bergkoff fall today!" He yelled out once more before turning and making his way to the make shift stables to collect his horse stopping by his tent to pick up his hammer along the way.