Collapsing unconscious is a bit different to going into meditation. Normally his first response would be to recline her, raise her head. Check for fever. This is strange and hostile terrain though - right now his assumption is poisoning or another attack through subterfuge. He takes a cloth pouch that had trail mix in it, earlier in the day, and pulls it over his nose and mouth like a horse's feedbag, looping its strings behind his ears. It might still be foul air, close to the ground. Tristan slings Nin against his back, parallel to his quiver. He draws his knife and gets ready to bushwhack - [i]this [/i]is obviously what could scare the badger. He had assumed it was human encroachment. How confused must the spirits be, to fight themselves like this? He'll rely on instinct and intuition to guide him out. Sense and reason have no place here. [I rolled a 5, 6 +1 = [b]12[/b] on Weird, with my question to the world being "which way to escape?" I think that much success gives me followups which, uh, I'll probably need.]