[center][h1][color=goldenrod]Alexandra Eileen Scott[/color][/h1][/center] [hr] Rohaan asked, [color=00aeef]"Do I need to track someone down and kill them?"[/color] Then said, [color=00aeef]"I expect you'll want that back...tell you what. When we get out of here, stay behind me and wait until I start shifting before you follow me out. I'll create a diversion for you, and you can sneak around and get that purse of yours. Shouldn't be too far from this room. Might have to go down to the end of the hall, I think."[/color] She kept her focus on the magic and waited to answer when they were through and he was helping her up. [color=goldenrod]“Yeah, my last boy friend!!”[/color] She said. The guy was a medical student and was a bit rough when he wanted to play doctor. Even Rohaan would be able to tell she was not serious about wanting him dead, maybe scared a bit. [color=goldenrod]“I don’t think they need to die, they are doing their job.”[/color] Alexa did not like hurting people more than was needed. [color=goldenrod]“My finger prints are all over that stuff and there is a gun in the purse,”[/color] she said in a bit of a teenage sarcastic tone. She knew breaking in one thing, stealing stuff was another, but doing with a weapon raised the stakes. Rohaan moved with smooth grace as and his punch was at the perfect height to catch the guard. He was off to do his thing. She picked up one of those head bashing baton thingy’s and smashed all four of the cameras in the room as the lights flashed and the sirens howled its mournful call. [color=goldenrod][i]”Poor security guards, did not know what they had coming,”[/i][/color] she thought as she headed for the desk and the weapon safe. Most desk locks were fairly simple and the magical technique she just used a bit of force to press and turn the tumbler. The desk lock clunked to the unlocked position. Her purse was in the bottom right drawer. In the top center drawer was a “badge of shame” and a ring of keys. It would probably help them get out and a key to a lock box and paper clips. She grabbed the badge and the key. The top right drawer had a shoulder holster that was wrapped around the gun. It was black and went with her outfit under the dress. The gun was high tech. She had heard about mage killers before. High tech weapons that would blow apart spells and worse blow apart a mage. She heard Rohaan shouting his name, which meant things were getting interesting as she grabbed a bright red stick of lipstick from the purse, the other was a softer rose that she liked. She drew a circle around the release handle of the lock mechanism. Blowing a lock off of a safe meant the rods would lock in place. But blowing the handle into the room with a directed blast would let her probe the inside with magic. She could align the tumblers quickly and probably get the door open. She moved around the side of the safe, stuck her fingers in her ears opened her mouth, bent over, and then chanted the spell. From the way she acted you would have expected a C4 blast or a fuel air bomb. But she learned on one job where they blew a safe with big explosives, better to always be safe. The pop was more like a big fire cracker. If moved the handle about an eighth of an inch. She could have done the same thing by pulling on the handle and leaning back. With a little effort and by sticking her tongue out, she forced her magic into the inside of the safe. The weapon safe was a three tumbler safe, you wanted to get into the quickly in an emergency. What she learned was she could have just turned the handle and door would have unlocked. Inside were a couple banded stacks of bills and weapons. She grabbed the cash. She walked over to the security guard that was starting to wake up. She rolled him over popped his cuffs from their holster and cuffed him. She grabbed to keys from his set. There were only three different normal handcuff keys used by security. She hooked them to her purse with the others she had collected. She lifted the guard’s gun and slid it out into the detention room, hoping it would slide into the force field. [color=goldenrod]“Honey, the explosive charges are set. Was I suppose to only use on block of the C4, because I used all five?”[/color] She shouted down to him. It was her signal that she was ready to go, she just didn't know if she needed to go to him or if he was coming to here. When the plan went wrong, everything goes wrong. She headed down the hall towards him to find a young security guard with his hand on his gun ready to draw. She raised her hands and said, [color=goldenrod]"Tom, If you want to go on a date, meet me at the Flaming Rose Bistro Saturday night around 7pm?"[/color] She read his badge for the name. The kid was cute having that young fit military look. She would would have a friend of hers watch from the apartments across the street. She would say back a block or two and then when corp security and the police figured she wasn't coming and they sent him home, she would see if Rohaan would follow him. She would bring pizza and beer. He would get a nice meal on the company and then they would see where things went. Rohaan may need to work his apartment over before she went in. She could tell he wasn't sure what to do. He hesitated to pull his weapons, even smaller boobs can do that to a guy. She was armed but trying to keep the purse so it hid the gun. She smiled a playful smile at him. Alexa had a history of picking the wrong guy. She knew that Rohaan wasn't going to let her go threw with it. But can't a girl dream a bit? [hr] [hider=ooc]1) The weapon safe is open if you want to place something in it or destroy the weapons. 2) Her plan is to let Rohaan knock him out and get his address from his wallet. I think she is going to get like just outside the door when the guard catches her. 3) I am thinking Tom is a newbie. The heavy hitters would be after you! @Blackfridayrule [/hider]