From the moment he approached, Vreta had little reason to trust this new liaison. He had little doubt that the man was who he said he was and had the authority he claimed, but his timing alone made his presence immediately suspect. Regardless of the charges he helped have her arrested on, it was not as if he actually believed the agent to be a Skinner. She had, in all likelihood, been acting on government orders. He had no doubt Masgard would serve their goals as well, whether he did so knowingly or not. Still, he had no issue with the liaison’s presence. It was not secrets that Vreta intended to discuss. “I have no objections to your presence, Mr. Xandrus. Dr. Lang and I were speaking over a meal in the food market prior to an ambush that threatened my life, and she was taken away by the very woman who may have been responsible for that ambush. I just want to see that she is unharmed, and make sure she remains that way.” Vreta remarked. With that, there were no other obstacles to delay them. The Rothian commander left behind his droids to join Vreta and Masgard in the building. There was nothing more for them to say on their way up to Freyr’s apartment, and Masgard was the one to open the door and allow them inside once they arrived. Vreta did remain on alert, though now with the extra protection he had, he was under much less threat than before. Vreta stepped inside the apartment just after Masgard, with the commander trailing just behind both. No doubt, there would be quite a lot of confusion about this whole affair from Freyr’s perspective, not the least of which being Vreta’s own survival.