[hider=QUOTE][quote=@shadowsaint007] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/FM92P8l.png[/img] [h1][color=ed145b]Sarah[/color][/h1][/center] What Sarah sees before her is nothing short of a monster out of a nightmare. A large, human-sized spiderling with eyes sparkling malevolently in the shadows and mist, a girl's upper body grafted to a large spider's abdomen, the girl would be considered pretty were it not for monstrous features betraying her nature. To Sarah's horror, the spiderling queen seems to be eating a villager, a young girl struggling weakly to escape her grasp, gasping for breath as her struggles weakened. Upon seeing Sarah, the spiderling queen hisses and jumps backwards, letting Sarah rush forwards and check on the girl. The villager girl is still alive, Sarah notes with a sigh of relief, but she seems badly drained and weakened. [color=orangered]Pip notes it's one of the washing-girls from the village, and whines sadly as he tries to wake her up by nudging her hand and licking her face. The big spiderling had hurt her, and he could smell its scent on her, especially around the bite-marks on her neck.[/color] However, Sarah realizes she has no time to tend to the girl; many spiderlings were coming her way, and she doubts they'll wait politely to put the girl safely away to fight properly. She instead stands over the girl's body, sword in hand, Pip growling besides her. If she's going to fight, might as well make a stand. This time, she's ready. Pip opens up by blasting one of the spiderlings to a cinder with a bolt of thunder, the spiderlings bunching up meaning he manages to injure a couple others. Sarah grips her sword, and starts swinging at the incoming horde. The sword is a much better weapon than a stolen claw, far better than her bare fists, as it feels natural in her hands. She swings and cleaves a spiderling in twain, catching another with the backswing and severing one of its claws. This time, she has a longer reach and better weaponry, allowing her a desperately needed advantage. Furthermore, thanks to the sword's purging of the worst of the miasma's effects, she's far more lucid and in control in this fight. She glares at the spiderlings, as though daring them to take another step. [/quote] [/hider] [center][h1][b][i][color=92278f]Urgrapth's Home[/color][/i][/b][/h1][/center] The layout of Urgrapth's Home was as follows: There is a single cave entrance that leads onto a flat, circular platform. Beyond that platform is a valley of broken stone and metal, difficult to cross except by the thin wires of Urgrapth's web. A few of the villagers were webbed up close to the platform for easy access, but the majority of them were stuck higher up, closer to the ceiling and high walls. Towards the back of the domed cavern, away from the opening of the cave, is a nestled corner of metal, protected by a thickly layered steel door, where Urgrapth has her special place. This is the room with the door that Kensu opened that awoke the Spider creature, and this is where Urgrapth now hid, scrunched into a corner away from the stranger who had invaded her home and killed her babies. From the vantage point of her room she could see her spiderlings cascade down the wall nearest the intruder like a wave of clicking teeth. She had never stepped back and watched her brood like this, separate and removed from being their mom. A small, quiet part of her mind thought they looked horrific, monstrous, evil. They had too many eyes and sharp appendages and even sharper fangs, and their hunger could never be satisfied. For a moment, Urgrapth didn't feel like Urgrapth, she felt conflicted in seeing both monsters and babies in the same form. From the safety of her vantage place, she sank further and further into her consciousness. She carefully watched the young girl with the pink hair, [i][color=f49ac2]She's about my age,[/color][/i] she thought in a voice that didn't seem like her own. [i][color=f49ac2]I wonder if she wants to be friends? Mama says I need more friends.[/color][/i] Gerty took a step forward, but there was something wrong with her legs. She looked down, her legs were like hairy spikes! What happened!? What was going on!? She backed up into the corner and looked at her hands, they were wrong too, everything was wrong! She panicked, her eight legs stomping anxiously as her head swiveled in every direction, trying to understand what was going on. Her mind wasn't working, she couldn't remember! She felt her soul being twisted and torn, where was her she? Where was her mom? Something terrible had happened, and there was nothing left! There was no hope! Lightning crackled and the cave was light up for an instant, the smell of charred insect filtered through the cavern. The noise pulled the Spider Queen form her blood-shot mania and she hyper-focused on the pink hair of the intruder. Something snapped in her spider brain and the last of the rational mind of Gerty gave way and died, leaving only instinct. Urgrapth saw the intruder, and her panic became fury; she rushed out of her hole to attack! Speeding along her webs, she attacked on the side opposite of the wall where her babies were descending. Pink Hair cleaved one of the little ones in half and cut off another's arm in the back swing. The dog was unguarded. Urgrapth leaped and stabbed her spike down upon the small animal... [hider=SYNOPSIS] Gerty is dead, long live Urgrapth: Queen of the Spiders!! She's about to kill Pip! You better do something quick![/hider]