Rhee looked over at the bird-woman in surprise. How did she- Oh, right. She must have read about it in their file. He nodded his head, signaling that she was correct, though now he didn't know what to talk about. He was embarrassed when she said it was a fascinating mutation. Now he felt like some sort of specimen at a zoo, like everyone was looking at him when she said that. He ignored Thaddeus's greeting, instead returning to his seat by the table. He now felt rather anxious about this whole meeting, glancing over at Keilan. "Um... I-If you don't mind... I don't really like people talking about us like we're something special. I don't really like the attention..." he murmured under his breath, not even sure if she had heard him. Deciding it would be best if he just pretended to be sleepy again, he rested his head on the table, staring lazily at the empty chair across from him... Which was soon occupied by yet another newcomer. Averting his eyes, he gave up on trying to isolate himself and pulled the bowl of salty snacks towards him, ignoring the sharp pains in his head as his sister threw another fit, complaining he would make them fat.