"Aww, [i]yeah[/i]!" Chad smacked Barrel's palm with his own then bounced toward the larger teen, chest puffed out and arms extended sideways. Unfortunately, that was right as the youngest trickster took a bow. Instead of their torsos colliding, the human gave himself an unintentional butt to the stomach with Barrel's head. He promptly doubled over and backed away a couple steps. Beer came pouring out of his dropped can in a series of quick glugs. "Nooo! My booze!" He fells to his knees dramatically. Agatha flinched in sympathy, but quickly refocused as Chad was clearly fine enough to mourn his spilled alcohol. She did use that... [i]situation[/i] to disguise her expression of pity and to hide the looming defensiveness swelling in her chest. How dare her boyfriend's siblings use him like that! And of course, he was congenially going along with it… As much as she loved how much of a gentleman Barrel was, he really needed to learn to establish some boundaries and stand up for himself. The teen witch cleared her throat. “As… [i]interesting[/i] as it might be to watch you try that, I should like to remind you that the front stoop likely doesn’t have enough room to swing something as long and… [i]meaty[/i] as Barrel.” She hid a blush, remembering the muscles flexing in his chest and arms when he had shown off his strength to her in front of the Crypt Cafe. She continued, “I have a portable battering ram I can rent you, which I think would serve quite well in your current endeavor.” “Battering ram?” Chad jumped to his feet. “[i]Badass[/i]! Can I take a swing with it?” He produces another can from his pocket and cracked it open.