While waiting outside the room, Vreta leaned back against the wall of Freyr’s apartment. It was faint, but his aural implants could make out the words being spoken within. Though, it was not as if there was anything particularly interesting to hear. It was mostly a short, legal brief that Vreta likely would have been able to predict without hearing it. In any case, he made his way inside once he was called for. Although he had not looked in the mirror recently, Vreta could well imagine how he must have appeared, based on his readout of his vitals. As such, he did anticipate Freyr having some similar reaction to what he ended up seeing once he stepped inside, and he was quick to try and calm her worries. “Don’t worry about me, I’m perfectly fine. I am practically swimming in nanomachines, and my implants are monitoring nearly every cell in my body. Trust me, if I were at risk, I would already be in a Rothian medical center. I’ll admit, it’s not how I expected our dinner to go, but…it’s not your fault. Don’t worry about that. I am just glad you are safe as well. I know a lot has happened today, but it is past, now. I think we can finally just stop and breathe a moment.”