The ranger gave the reception area a quick once over. Trying to look for any sign or clue to its relation to the drow gambling den...though he couldn't spot any immediate signs and as far as he could perceive, this was your simple run of the mill bathhouse. Albeit one with an almost nauseating miasma of sweet-smelling aromas. He could only imagine what kind of sensory overload their resident wildling could be experiencing right now. Nonetheless, he knew of the true purpose of this establishment. Just like back West, the bathhouse was simply a front. The actual business ran along the lines of any bordello or whore house they passed by earlier that day. But he wasn't here to play the holier-than-thou routine. He was here to look for further leads as to where Sandy's current location. And if it meant that he had to become this establishment's customer to do it, so be it. The day treatment was the best shot he had on stumbling upon any clues, what more, maybe even discover more valuable intel than they expected. [color=silver]"Howdy ma'am. I would like the day treatment."[/color] The ranger said in a friendly tone as he slightly lifts his helmet by the brim to politely greet her.