[hider=Georgiana "Georgie" Vanburen] [CENTER][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjcyLmFiNGY0Zi5SMlZ2Y21kcFpTQldZVzVpZFhKbGJnLCwuMQAA/great-vibes.regular.png[/img][/CENTER] [table][row][/row][row][cell] [center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/3b/39/cb/3b39cb7194fa93f56c16fbb5af154da9.jpg[/img] [url=https://i.imgur.com/doVY2vk.png]For the aesthetic.[/url] [sup]_______________________________________________[/sup] [sub][color=CE6857]Georgiana Elizabeth Vanburen She/Her [b]|[/b] 20 [b]|[/b] British & African-American [b]|[/b] 5'4 [b]|[/b] 185lb[/color] [sup]_______________________________________________[/sup] [color=CE6857]Detached[/color] [sup]_______________________________________________[/sup] [color=CE6857]Skills & Talents[/color][/sub] [color=CE6857][i]"Passion and hobbies are important in life. Keeps the crippling emotions away."[/i][/color] [sup]___________________________________[/sup][/center][hider=] [sub] [b][color=CE6857]ART HISTORY ⫻[/color][/b] If it was an artistic movement Georgie knows the ends and outs of everything, even the movements she doesn't particularly enjoy. [b][color=CE6857]GARDENING ⫻[/color][/b] Her favorite hobby that's one of the few ways she can express herself without saying what she's feeling in so many words. Know how to speak her language and anyone can speak to her. [b][color=CE6857]EMBROIDERY ⫻[/color][/b] She's not the next Vera Wang, but she does like to embroider flowers into plain outfits to make it original and unique to her. [b][color=CE6857]OBJECTIVITY ⫻[/color][/b] Georgie can look at most situations from an objective and logical point of view to the point that empathy doesn't play a part in her decision making. Sometimes the hard choices are the ones that don't give much of a fuck about a person's feelings and sensitivities. [b][color=CE6857]FRENCH ⫻[/color][/b] Georgie is fluent in French. She's studied the language for over a decade in school. She can't work at the Lourve and not know the language of her people.[/sub][/hider] [/cell][cell][color=CE6857][sub][b] Appearance[/b][/sub][/color] [sub][sup]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/sup][/sub] [color=CE6857][i]"I'm perfect no matter how you look at it."[/i][/color] [indent]Georgie has never thought of herself as someone other than perfect. Every time she looks in the mirror it's a reminder that no one can tell her different. She has smooth golden brown skin she takes care of with face treatments, lotions, and skin corrector. There's freckles concentrated under her eyes and across her nose and a few dot her chin. If she had to choose her best features her captivating brown eyes, long lashes, bow shaped, full lips, and her dark curly hair would be in the running for number one. She's a few inches from average height and a little chubby. She's curvy, has DD breasts, and she has to fit her pants to her butt so they're always big in her waist. She wears her naturally curly hair freely or pulled back into little ponytails when she's gardening. Her ears were pierced and her sense of style are dresses, skirts, and [url=https://i.imgur.com/pzgKs8c.png]flower aesthetics[/url]. If there' a flower on it she'll wear it. Sometimes she adds flower designs to clothing she thinks is cute, but plain. She wears a [url=https://i.pinimg.com/originals/6f/a1/7c/6fa17c14ea06480decc98261b72cdb18.jpg]golden carnation flower ring[/url] on her pointer finger. Why flowers? Because they're beautiful and mean different things; most people are none the wiser about hidden meanings when they think getting flowers is a nice gesture.[/indent] [/cell][/row][/table][color=CE6857][sub][b] Psychology[/b][/sub][/color] [sub][sup]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/sup][/sub] [color=CE6857][i]"Sorry I'm not emotionally available. Let me pencil you into my schedule to make time for your concerns."[/i][/color] [INDENT][b][color=CE6857]MAIN GOAL ⫻[/color][/b] Georgie wants to be an art curator, especially at the Louvre. Georgie loves art movements that came before the 1920s and most of those works are at the Louvre. Art was elegant then and had interesting historical events at that sparked the movements. Now a piece of tissue stuck to the wall with gum can be called art if there's a contrived enough meaning attached. She's well aware that art movements during the 20s and afterwards are influenced by social issues at the time, but she could careless about anything involved with WWI and after. [b][color=CE6857]PHILOSOPHY ⫻[/color][/b] Georgie believes that objectivity and logic are the keys to life. It's human nature to get attached to someone or something and it could easily ruin a person's life goals. However, if people were to take a step back and consider what they'll gain without certain attachments they're more likely to get what they want. Useless things lead to useless ends. [b][color=CE6857]SEXUALITY ⫻[/color][/b] Asexual with a side of aesthetic attraction. Some days Georgie wants to vomit just thinking about swapping bodily fluids with someone else, and on others she can't think of a less stimulating experience than sex (no one could do better at pleasing her than her own hand). She'd rather listen to WWI enthusiast. There are times when she sees someone that makes her heart flutter. It could be the way they wear their hair, or their outfit is just right, or maybe a physical feature is absolutely beautiful. Bring aesthetics to the table and she'll wanna flirt. [b][color=CE6857]FEARS ⫻[/color][/b] Georgie fears attachments that lead to failure. For every goal she's set in her life she had to sacrifice personal relationships to get there. She couldn't be close with her friends, because she used her free time to study. England had one of the best schools for art, so she didn't live with her family growing up and as consequence doesn't know them well nor do they know her. She broke up with her boyfriend, because they were going to different universities in different countries and she wouldn't make the commitment to try long distance if it interfered with her studies. Her sacrifices will not be in vain for people that aren't permanent. [b][color=CE6857]REPUTATION ⫻[/color][/b] Georgie is James's foreign child that Araminta citizens tend to forget exist. She's only around during the summer and some Christmases if it isn't too inconvenient. She doesn't see it as home. More of a vacation spot if anything. In the family she is the sister her siblings don't really know anymore. She used to be the annoying little sister that followed them anywhere, but she grew out of that when she went away. Any attempts to get to know her are met with superficial answers and general disinterest. It's not hard to be away year after year if she doesn't truly know who they are and vice versa. However, she does leave a bouquet of flowers from her garden every Monday morning, during the summer, in each of their bedrooms. She may not know them well, but she does still care in her own half-hearted way. [b][color=CE6857]THOUGHTS ABOUT FATHER ⫻[/color][/b] James is more so a sponsor that funds her education at private schools and university, than a father. She ask for monetary support for her goals and he gives it freely with the stipulation that she comes to spend her summers in Araminta every year. Two months out of a year of her time isn't a big sacrifice on her part. She threw in a personal garden she can tend to and is well kept by a gardener when she's not there as part of the deal. She resents him a smidge of a bit for not coming to see her in private school. She doesn't think it's genuine for him to want her around once a year just to leave on some escapade when she's around. Whatever. Vaguely wanting the attention of a man she hardly knows doesn't pertain to her goals. [b][color=CE6857]FLAWS ⫻[/color][/b] Georgie's unwillingness to have emotional attachments keep her from fully experiencing love the way normal people do. It's always business, 'What can you do for me?' and 'What can I do for you?' Anything that's not gainful isn't worth her time. She misses out on birthday parties, vacations, real human connections. She thinks logically when she's emotionally overwhelmed. She's prone to shutting down, resetting herself, and using logic to solve her problems. People tend to thing she's a heartless robot with a pleasant smile, but she's not. She buries negative emotions deep. She'll express positive emotions, because that means something went right. Achieving goals makes her happy. She doesn't know if anything else can. Things that should make her happy don't. Not birthdays, holidays, her family, friends, and lovers when she has them. Here and there thoughts of whether she's broken slips through and she pencils in when she's available for her next breakdown. [/INDENT] [color=CE6857][sub][b] Backstory[/b][/sub][/color] [sub][sup]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/sup][/sub] [color=CE6857][i]"Quite simple. Nothing to kick up a fuss about."[/i][/color] [indent]Georgie can say with confidence she doesn't know her mother. She was some woman from somewhere that stayed with James at the Vanburen estate at sometime. James couldn't tell her anything other than Georgie looks like her and that she was set on naming her baby some iteration of George. Georgiana is the name she settled on, before leaving her with James. She'd nearly forgotten there was something James could tell her. Her mother was hellbent on a goal she had to complete. As much as she talked about it at length with James it went in through one ear and out the other. Money exchanged hands, Georgiana was born, and her mother was off in the wind. She's not surprised. Up until she left she's seen plenty women come and go from James's life. Whatever he wanted from them at the time, they gave it, then they left. Georgie played with her siblings when they had the time for her. Tyler and Shane were almost a teenagers by the time she was old enough to keep up, she and Oscar didn't share the same interest, and Trisha didn't like her so much. Oh yes, Ezra does exist. He's fuzzy in her memories. There was a disconnect, but she was still the annoying little sister that wanted her big brothers' attention. Georgie got into art when she was five. James, on the occasion he wanted to bond, would take her to the art museum in downtown Araminta. The portraits were beautiful, the sculptures magnificent, the most visually gratifying thing she's ever seen. James, taking an interest in Georgie's interest, read her books that explained different art movements throughout history. Her favorite was the Classical period. Everything was crisp, clean, and perfect. Georgie likes perfect. Around the time James sent Tyler to boarding school in France he got the idea to send Georgie to England to study at a prestigious art school. Only children with rich enough parents and an aptitude for the arts could get in. That wasn't an issue for Georgie. She passed the interview with flying colors. Of course she did. There's no doubting her knowledge on art, even as a child. The first year Georgie had a hard time adjusting to British culture and their way of speaking. While she was a well spoken child, she was still too American, so she adapted. Catching onto the accent was easy, she's heard James's accent all her life. The posh way of speaking was the hard part. She had to broaden her vocabulary, pronounce words the Southern English way, she even had a tutor that taught her RP English, though she doesn't have a practical use for it if she's not meeting the Queen. She doubts that's ever going to happen. Slowly, but surely anything she was like at home shifted into a new girl that wasn't annoying and in her siblings' faces. She was posh, proper, darling Georgie. She was afraid of going home during her first year for fear that being in America would ruin all the hard work she put into being acceptable in the eyes of her British peers. For three years she didn't come home and James had to bribe her with continuing to pay for her school and a personal garden to get her to come back. Gardening was a hobby she picked up at school. There was a club that did arrangements out of the flowers they tended to and they were an aesthetic Georgie was attracted to. In the three years she was away, Georgie learned bullies were starved for emotional reactions, so she stopped reacting. If they said anything about where she came from, her family, or anything to insult her she'd smile and politely insult them, then go about their day. Most of the time she'd forget their name. No better way to hurt a bully's pride than to ask "Who are you again?" She became known as a steel wall at her school. When she came home for the first time in three years she wasn't expecting Tyler to be Sabrina. It was a change she hadn't seen coming. Quite jarring actually with England's anti-trans stances. Not that she bought into bigotry. Like anything she adjusted. It'd been so long, since she'd last seen Tyler that he would've been just as much a stranger as Sabrina is if she didn't transition at all. Georgie still kept her distance, even though it ate at her little by little not to have the relationships she used to with her siblings. She sucked it up and dealt with it. She didn't put in all that work to become Americanized. She did what she could to show she cared from her corner of the manor. She tended to her new garden and made flower arrangements she left in her sibling's bedrooms every Monday morning to show off the skills she learned in club. Through the years, Georgie excelled in her classes and when she graduated from Secondary school James was ready to bring her home, but England was her home now. It'd be too weird to permanently be around people she didn't much care to be around minus the obligatory presents during Christmas and birthday cards. She'd built up an outline of her life to succeed in becoming an art curator: - Further Education - University of Edinburgh for a History of Arts degree - Internship at the Louvre - Louvre art curator Her life of art was set and James's wants to bring her "home" weren't going to derail her plans. James relented and got her a condo to stay in while she took her A-level classes in art, history, and design. During her two years of study, she established a relationship with a boy from secondary school. Lucien was nice, he had floppy blond hair, and baby blue eyes that twinkled when he smiled at her. He treated her well, even during arguments about not spending enough time together, ones she shut down every time. He even accepted her when she blew him off to study. Lucien wanted to be a patisserie, she loved that he had a dream for himself. He was her first everything. They had sex whenever he was in the mood, but she didn't enjoy herself. It got to the point she didn't want to anymore, because it was gross or she was bored. Heavy petting was good on occasion. Other than little hiccups their relationship was fine. The downside was that she was going to university in Scotland after she passed A-levels and he was going to France. She couldn't get distracted from her goals by splitting her attention between university work and a long distance relationship. Lucien didn't want them to be over, but it wasn't up for discussion. She promptly broke his heart, then forgot he ever existed. University was much the same as all her education exploits, best grades, brightest future, each goal checked off the list. Everything changed when James dropped dead. She was home for Christmas that year, sipping her wine, and ignoring the argument between James and Oscar. She didn't care what it was about. Had nothing to do with her, ergo not her business. Oscar stormed from the house like an upset maiden and she retreated to her room when she finished her food. She didn't know that'd be the last time she'd see James alive. The news was shocking and she cried not for his death, but not knowing the content of his will. What if she didn't get a dime for being away for so long? That wasn't a problem after the reading of the will stating most of the money went to the biological children along with ownership in the family business, and the orphans got the scraps. Good. She can continue her goals without disruption. She had gone out to her garden to take care of her winter flowers and found a gold carnation ring in the dirt. When she touched it a spirit whispered in her ear, said that it watched her take care of flowers for years and that it thought her garden was perfect. She put the ring on and spoke to it every day for the duration of her visit. She didn't think about it too hard. James exposed her to supernatural artifacts and happening young. She said she's take care of it always if she could bring it with her everywhere. The spirit agreed with her. Before she left back to Scotland, a dimension opened in her ring and sucked it in. After his death she had no intentions of ever stepping into Araminta again, unless someone else died, but her joints stiffen up around the anniversary of James's death. At first she thought it was arthritis, which was weird. She wasn't aware that it was a medical condition James suffered, then again it could be from her mother's side, but the next morning she couldn't move her right hand. It was solid stiff like stone. She felt it had something to do with James and magic, so she booked a flight home. The moment she stepped foot on the Vanburen grounds her hand healed. She learned she couldn't leave the estate and had to request her school to put her education on hold for medical purposes. This is not perfect.[/indent] [color=CE6857][sub][b] Abstraction[/b][/sub][/color] [sub][sup]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/sup][/sub] [color=CE6857][i]"My power is as beautiful and deadly as a flower itself."[/i][/color] [indent][b][color=CE6857]TYPE ⫻[/color][/b] Aberration: Agent [b][color=CE6857]ABSTRACTION ⫻[/color][/b] [url=https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Ea_c5iZUMAAjrnM.jpg]The Garden[/url] is a dimension of Georgie's own creation with all the flowers she can control or summon for attack and defense. [b][color=CE6857]ABSTRACTION DESCRIPTION ⫻[/color][/b] Georgie moved the personal garden James made for her to a different dimension after his death, so she could have it with her always. It's her way of grieving, but she hasn't processed it yet. The Garden is accessed through her gold carnation ring. She can summon a big portal to fit people through or a small one the size of a sunflower. If anyone gets caught in her dimension they're in a spot of trouble. She can control all the flowers there to do her bidding, such as root and petal manipulation, size manipulation, and petal imprisonment. Outside the dimension she can't control her flowers the same way. The flower petals she summons shoot out from the small portal like razor sharp bullets. Bigger portals release a blizzard of razor sharp petals. Anyone in the path gets cut up. She can escape through the portal to get out of a situation, but she'll come back in the same spot she left. And she can summon a giant flower that's as hard as steel to protect her. [color=CE6857][b]LIMITS ⫻[/b][/color] Emotional-Fields prevent Georgie from closing her portals on other extra-normals, however, she doesn't have too many limitations from Emotional-Fields. Opening a portal to her Garden isn't an instant process. She can open a portal in a few seconds, however, the process strains Georgie. She can have the portal to the Garden open for about five minutes straight and afterward, she'll have to take a break. Once Georgie opens a portal, it's completely static and she can't make it turn or change its size. Meaning if she has a portal opened parallel to the ground and there's an opponent above her, she'd have to close the portal and open a new one facing in the same direction and is the same size. Rapidly opening and closing portals exhausts her. In the Garden she can manipulate all plant-life in her field of vision. However, if she's not present in the Garden the ability is greatly limited and she can't manipulate plants as she normally could. [color=CE6857][b]WEAKNESSES ⫻[/b][/color] Fire is a huge weakness for Georgie's ability. Fire can even destroy the petals that are hard as steel. The portal can also be destroyed by fire and extreme heat. When Georgie grows plants, she's putting a bit of herself into it - literally. She uses her life-force to cause rapid plant growth and it'll run if she uses it excessively. It replenishes an hour, but overuse can cause exhaustion, hair-loss, starvation/dehydration - and even kill her if she goes too far. [/INDENT] [color=CE6857][sup][b] Other[/b][/sup][/color] [sub][sup]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/sup][/sub] [color=CE6857][i]"Always Georgie, even in your dreams."[/i][/color] [indent]Georgiana is a terrible name. Quite dreadful. For someone as magnificent as her she could've been an Alexandria, Victoria, or Olivia. Something pretty and strong sounding. Georgiana is what she's stuck with, so she settled for at least making it cute. Georgie is what she prefers to be called. Not Georgiana, George, Geordie or Geor, a cheeky boy called her that once. Georgie.[/INDENT] [/hider] [hider=Georgie's Relationships][table][row][cell][h1][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjcyLjg2OGQ4OC5SWHB5WVNCV1lXNWlkWEpsYmcsLC4w/artefak-typeface.clean-typeface.png[/img][/h1][/cell][cell][/cell][/row][row][cell][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/1EaGMcH.png?2[/img] [sup][i][color=CE6857]He's competent and successful. What more is there to say?[/color][/i][/sup] [sup]_______________________________________________[/sup][/center] [color=2e2c2c]...................................................................[/color][/cell][cell]Ezra was already an adult when Georgie was born. She has faint memories of him in her childhood, but nothing that truly stuck like with her other siblings. From what she's heard he's the one that kept the business running and the money flowing in. James was just the one that allocated funds. As long as Ezra keeps things the same, then she doesn't have a problem with him. In fact she quite admires him. She wants to be just as successful and hard working when she's old. She had a funny thought the other day. Isn't he old enough to be her father? Perhaps she should take to calling him JJ.[/cell][/row][/table][table][row][cell][h1][img]https://i.imgur.com/iasHidX.png[/img][/h1][/cell][cell][/cell][/row][row][cell][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/GMlhtQX.png?2[/img] [sup][i][color=CE6857]Je t'aime le plus.[/color][/i][/sup] [sup]_______________________________________________[/sup][/center] [color=2e2c2c]...................................................................[/color][/cell][cell]Sabrina is the sibling Georgie thinks the most highly of. When she was still Tyler she didn't brush her off when she wants to play and have all her attention. When she came home as someone new her spirit was still the same. Other than the outside nothing's changed about Sabrina for Georgie. She has the best memories of her childhood with her. In her adult life they aren't close, but Georgie would want nothing but to be. However that conflicts with her future. Close relationships are breeding grounds for distractions. She can't have that.[/cell][/row][/table][table][row][cell][h1][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjgwLjJlNmJiMi5VMmhoYm1VZ1ZtRnVZblZ5Wlc0LC4w/enigma.enigma.png[[/img][/h1][/cell][cell][/cell][/row][row][cell][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/KW040Ry.png?1[/img] [sup][i][color=CE6857]He obviously takes after his mother, whoever she was, because if he was more like James he wouldn't be an absolute failure.[/color][/i][/sup] [sup]_______________________________________________[/sup][/center] [color=2e2c2c]...................................................................[/color][/cell][cell]Shane is Georgie's worst fear. A lazy, downtrodden drunkard with no direction, nothing going for him, and a waste of space. She's embarrassed they share blood. If something in hims has anything to do with James's side of the family then she could end up like him one day. She'd sooner kill herself. The man he is and the boy he used to be are two different people. He was just as good to her as Sabrina. How'd he end up like this? Of course if she's not going to ask. She doesn't care that much. If he wants to die young that's on him. Just one less person with her hands on James's inheritance. She'll be sure to cry at his funeral.[/cell][/row][/table][table][row][cell][h1][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjEyOC5mZmQ4MDUuVDNOallYSWdWbUZ1WW5WeVpXNCwuMAAA/sophia-demo.regular.png[/img][/h1][/cell][cell][/cell][/row][row][cell][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/k3hONVP.png?1[/img] [sup][i][color=CE6857]Do better, sweetie.[/color][/i][/sup] [sup]_______________________________________________[/sup][/center] [color=2e2c2c]...................................................................[/color][/cell][cell]Oscar is another Vanburen prodigy Georgie is proud to call her brother. He wasn't around as much as everyone else, since he lived with his mother but she's fund of the little time they spent together as children. He was just into other things and she loved her art. Not many children were like her. She sent him a handwritten congratulations card when he graduated and actually meant everything she penned. Ever since James died he's squandered his brilliance for magic like it's important. Everything he learned hasn't cured them from turning into stone. Such a waste. [/cell][/row][/table][table][row][cell][h1][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjk2LjczNjRkOC5VR0YwY21samFXRWdJbFJ5YVhOb1lTSWdWbUZ1WW5WeVpXNCwuMAAA/great-answer.regular.png[/img][/h1][/cell][cell][/cell][/row][row][cell][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/0RD02lz.png?1[/img] [sup][i][color=CE6857]The most bitter twat I'm ashamed to be related to.[/color][/i][/sup] [sup]_______________________________________________[/sup][/center] [color=2e2c2c]...................................................................[/color][/cell][cell]Petty Patty is the worst sibling of all. At least Shane was successful once and trauma fucked him over, she's sure, but Patty's never been great. Georgie knows she resents her for James sticking his cock where it doesn't belong, but that's not her fault nor is it her problem. She avoided Patty when they were younger, she still does, but she used to be afraid of her. She kept close to Sabrina and Shane knowing they'd protect her if Patty did something mean. Now, it doesn't matter. She ignores her like strangers in an elevator and hopes she fucks off in a ditch or turns to stone completely.[/cell][/row][/table][table][row][cell][h1][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjcyLmNhMWMxYy5TblZ1YVc5eUlGWmhibUoxY21WdS4w/hidalgo-demo.regular.png[/img][/h1][/cell][cell][/cell][/row][row][cell][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/2vLqM7x.png[/img] [sup][i][color=CE6857]"I heard that the older you are when you have children the more likely the child will turn out...undesirable."[/color][/i][/sup] [sup]_______________________________________________[/sup][/center] [color=2e2c2c]...................................................................[/color][/cell][cell]A shame this kid is annoying (she has worst things to say, but she's trying to be polite). Alexander was a toddler when she left for boarding school in England. She remembers playing with him often. He was an okay baby. Very cute and a joy to be around. Imagine her surprise when she comes back and he's a little shit. She'd already decided to keep her distance, Alexander made it easy. And who named this child Junior as a first name? Dreadful name, honestly. She calls him by his middle name, because it's a good name.[/cell][/row][/table][/hider]