I wasn't going to base the androids off of human tech at all. So, to me, it doesn't matter what we as humans can do now, here , in this reality. My suggestions were for a completely different universe. I was saying that their memories CAN'T be stored in computers. Something they themselves kept from their original designs to avoid immortality. Something as smart as an android would understand how foolish ever lasting life would be, and take steps to ensure that they do not become too robotic. If all a being is is the sum of their memories, then what makes them different from robots? I would like the idea that even these artificial beings have the equivalent of a soul, so the idea that they don't have life expectancies and the urge to have children regularly makes them more robotic than anything else. I wanna stay away from natural conclusions, and come up with stuff far outside the realms of what were here in our reality have come to expect. Again, I don't want them to be able to share memories and knowledge, it's too robotic. Sure, an internal communication system, but only for talking, not for downloads. It would, yes, give them socializing issues. I like the idea of bad social skills. And what do you mean "Reawakening"? Are you saying you want to do a thing where they were once mindless drones or something? If so I really think we may have a little mix up when it comes to defining things. In my mind, Androids are built to NOT be mindless. Those are robots. Robots are the computers with limbs. Androids have true AI.