Masgard considered the Rothian’s offer carefully. He understood any of their technology could be used to spy on people, and was very difficult to sweep without causing ‘damage’. But he did need to look like he was willing to cooperate, and this was a relatively small concession. He couldn’t think of any logical reason to turn it down. “Thank you, I’m happy with that if you are, Dr Lang?” He looked at Freyr, who nodded. “After it’s set up, I'd like all security personnel to leave the apartment for the hall and common areas, so Dr Lang can get some rest.” Masgard continued, closing the deal. “If that’s acceptable, let's head to the lobby to discuss details? I’m sure you’re tired of having us in your safe space right now.” The lawyer finished, looking at Freyr one last time to see how many points he’d scored. Freyr smiled gratefully. “Thank you, all of you. I appreciate the effort you’re going to.”