"Woo! Let's g-- Wait, which one of you is Barrel?" Through the mystical power of deduction, Chad was able to narrow down the potential list to... everyone except the metal guy with boobs and the two chicks in hats. He looked around at the rest of the group. Barrel didn't sound like a girl's name, but it also didn't sound like a boy's name -- honestly, it didn't sound like a name at all. Maybe a nickname? He squinted thoughtfully at the big-chested twins. "Is one of you Barrel and the other one Jugs?" Lillith and Carmilla looked at each other, rolled their eyes, and then simultaneously slapped him on opposite cheeks. Lillith's strike was a bit more casual and restrained, so the comparative force of Carmilla's sent him stumbling to that side. "What was that for? I was just asking a question!" "No, you asked a question, [i]then[/i] you made a lewd reference to someone else's body parts," Lillith told him. "If we hear something like that again, somebody's going to get eaten," Carmilla added. "[i]Kinky[/i]!" Before the twins could slap him again, Carver jumped in the middle and held up a finger. "Nobody tell him who Barrel is! I wanna watch him keep trying to figure it out." Agatha cackled. "Shall we make a short detour to my place, then? The ram is up in my room, not the shop, but it won't take me long to grab it." She beamed; she'd protected her boyfriend from some of his siblings' abuse, [i]and[/i] she was getting paid for it. Tonight was looking to be a great night, indeed!