[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/FM92P8l.png[/img] [h1][color=ed145b]Sarah[/color][/h1][/center] Sarah is glad the villagers are all alright, and helps them leave the cave as quickly and orderly as possible, reassuring them along the way. She wants nothing more than a bath and a rest, but she's certain these people have had a worse day, being kidnapped by monsters and webbed up, exposed to nightmare-inducing miasma and almost made monster food. [color=ed145b]"Special?"[/color] she says softly to herself, as though trying to get a feel of the word. [color=ed145b]"I don't even know who I really am."[/color] When she gets out into the sunlight, she stops. It feels like years since she's been out in the sun; the dank, dark caves full of foul mist almost made her forget how the sun feels so nice and warm. She's just glad to be outside. That's when she sees something in the sky, descending towards them. At first she thinks it's a bird... but then realizes it's far too big and moving far too fast to be a bird. In fact, she realizes it's some sort of monster, heading straight for them. At first she feels a burst of panic and anxiety; she's barely recovered from the fight with the spiderlings, and she's still a bit shaky from the effects of the miasma. Then she realizes to her horror that the villagers are still in danger. It's the thought of the poor people escaping one threat only to face an even monstrous one galvanizes her into action. [color=ed145b]"Run!"[/color] she calls out to the village folk. [color=ed145b]"Run! Head for the forest! Take cover! Hurry! Please!"[/color] The ensuing panic feels like it's going to break her heart, what with the villagers running amok and pushing and hurting each other in their blind terror. However, the torrent of rocks rolling down from above where the monster struck the mountain drives her to try and get them away from danger, trying to help people who fell or got knocked over in the commotion. She tries to make sure everyone gets to cover as quickly as possible, all the while trying to shield the people from the falling rocks. The villagers were still streaming out of the cave. Right now, Sarah is trying to figure whether the beast is going to keep attacking them, or if it was just passing by. Either way, she can't ignore it; if it comes around for another pass... She grabs one of the more lucid villagers. [color=ed145b]"Please, listen to me, we don't have much time,"[/color] she implores him. [color=ed145b]"Tell everyone to stay hidden in the forest and nearby caves. Please stay hidden until Master Thunderfist finds you and tells you it's safe to come out. Tell Master Thunderfist... tell him it was an honor to meet him, and I had to distract the monster before it hurt or killed anyone. "Tell him I'll be back, I promise..."[/color] The villager nods, and starts helping by herding his fellows to safety. Part of her wonders if she'll ever fulfill that promise. She prepares herself, and pulls out the sword. Taking measure, she then aims the sword and focuses her energy through it. A bolt of lightning fires from the tip, flying through the air, passing right in front of the flying beast to get its attention. [color=ed145b]"Hey!"[/color] she calls out to the beast, running south towards the beach. [color=ed145b]"Over here! This way!"[/color] She prepares to fire more bolts from the sword if the beast ignores her, trying to force it to follow her and away from the poor townsfolk. Once it follows her, she runs. She runs as fast as she can, wind rushing in her face, feeling her heart pound away in her chest. [hider=Notes]Using the map in this post: https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5184875[/hider]