Nobunaga straightened, flicking the blood from her katana and smoothly sheathing her weapon. The fight with the beast had played out largely as she expected, and now the corpse was left in the snow, exposed guts steaming as the hunters set upon the body to clean it and prepare it for consumption, presumably. "I merely utilized my skills as best I could," she responded, to the leader of the hunters, a friendly smile on her lips, "To do any less would be poor conduct in a dangerous situation, would it not?" Indeed, it would be. But more then that, the simple idea of her needing no thanks... not only was it likely to ingratiate herself to these people, but would begin the path she sought. 'This is someone we can rely on to help.' But that would take more then a single incident. Taking time to meet the village's chief was undoubtedly important as well. As she entered the building, the thing Nobunaga took note of immediately was the embroidery on that outfit. The same as the tattoo on Lazhira's arm... Asking about a connection, however, could wait until they formed closer ties. "Thank you," she began, recalling how the hunter had stated that the chief preferred not to be called as such, "I must say, I'm happy to have been guided to civilization. We were in quite a predicament." [@Rune_Alchemist][@PKMNB0Y][@Crimson Paladin]