[center][h1]Ragnarök[/h1] --- [h3]Chapter One[/h3] [b][u]City of Krowtell[/u][/b] --- [img]https://i.ibb.co/g77ny67/north1111.png[/img] [/center] [center][img]http://www.dreamtemplate.com/dreamcodes/divider/images/tsc_divider5.png[/img][/center] The pale hue of an overcast morning sky cast a soft glow down onto the towering city of Krowtell, one of the many large cities that lay near the edges of the Norther region. Spring was near, and the emerald green glow of grassy fields as far as the eye can see began to peek through the thin layer of powdery snow that bathed the area. The distant sounds of singing birds and awakening nature gently resounded across the city as it began to come to life under the cool light of morning. [center][img]https://i.ibb.co/jrpkz6f/silusquain.jpg[/img][/center] Massive ornate wooden doors decorated with elegant carvings and polished steel guiding swung open within the palace's main halls, pushed aside hastily by a pair of prim human butlers as they made way for the small entourage of nobles, led closely by a young looking man in an extravagant ensemble of white and blue silks decorated with golden trims and adorning many unnecessary chains, strings, and ribbons. The sense of fashion, as well as his locks of powdery blue hair and serpentine eyes of a deep amber made him stand out from the assortment of whites and greys of the nobles and royals who walked in a huddle behind him. "Right this way master Silus." spoke one of the butlers as the pair extended their arms to present the path ahead through the doorway. The group ambled forward, quietly speaking and mumbling amongst each other. [color=6ecff6]"Today is the day!"[/color] announced Silus jubilantly, throwing his hands up with temperate excitement as he and his accompanying group of nobles walked into the massive halls of the palace, passing different chambers and doors which led to other hallways or rooms. Marble pillars sparsely lined the tall grandiose walls along with the occasional window sitting far too high up for anyone to see anything through other than the pillowy white morning sky. The palace almost seemed vacant, with the occasional servant seen here and there, tending to their tasks. None of the other royals or their court seemed to awake just yet. Or if they were, they weren't anywhere to be seen this early in the morning. Most were likely just starting their days. [color=6ecff6]"The time has finally arrived!"[/color] continued Silus with an expression of moderate glee. [color=6ecff6]"Months of planning and an ocean of bureaucracy later, and here we are! On adventures doorstep!"[/color] He glanced over his shoulder, an aura of devilish playfulness subtly showing in his gaze. [color=6ecff6]"Aren't you excited?"[/color] A chorus of agreement rose from the group. Nothing out of the ordinary for what was mostly yes men, with the sole exception being a small elder in a silver and blue robe, who feebly beckoned for Silus' attention. [color=c4df9b]"Prince Silus! Please! You mustn't forget your mothers wishes! The que-"[/color] [color=6ecff6]"Yes, yes. I'm quite excited too!"[/color] interrupted Silus, oblivious to the pleas. [color=6ecff6]"An unprecedented Journey into the west! Oh the beauty and wonder that awaits! In just a few moments we'll be converging with the rest of the expeditionary team in the courtyard."[/color] The elder beckoned again. [color=c4df9b]"Prince Silu-"[/color] [color=6ecff6]"I also managed to pique the interest of a few foreigners! For a small fee of course. What's a small fortune among royals after all? And there's no price that isn't worth paying to be a pioneer of the unknown!"[/color] [color=c4df9b][i]Oh dear...he's in his own world.[/i][/color] Thought the elder to himself, seemingly accustomed to the dismissive behavior of the Northern Prince. Still, this matter was a pressing one, and he wouldn't rest until he saw it through. The queen had assigned him specifically for this duty, and he was sure not to fail. All things he reassured himself as Silus grew further away, trotting on toward the end of the hall with his yes men and servants in tow. With a hurried huff, the elder waved away his thoughts and pushed ahead, struggling to keep track of the young royal. [center][img]http://www.dreamtemplate.com/dreamcodes/divider/images/tsc_divider5.png[/img][/center] [center][u][b]Old New York[/b][/u] --- [img]https://i.ibb.co/H4MgS86/d4q46wj-aebfff93-6bc5-41a1-b3df-ddbee3b64719.jpg[/img][/center] [color=fdc68a]"Cavehog wonton!"[/color] [color=fff200]"Fried rootberries, fresh off the roots!"[/color] [color=c4df9b]"Fresh skinned mole beasts!"[/color] The chatter of barters and merchants eager to catch the eye new customers echoed out in a dull roar throughout one of the many trading districts scattered about the colossal underground ruins of Old New York. Dingy luminescence filled the caverns, radiated by the many lanterns, candles, and magical lights spread about the many encampments and bazaars. The air was choked with the smells of frying food and farm animals mixed in with the perpetual damp earthy smell of the underground. All around and above, a colorful display of rags and garments hanging from clothes lines, posters advertising services of all kinds, and make shift shabby decorations litter the ancient storefronts and streets, strung up between antiquated lampposts and rickety rag tag buildings. Deeper into the city, nestled snugly between a not so classy night club and the entrance to a rather large and crowded bazaar, laid a shabby wood and iron two story part bar, part motel known by the off center wooden sign dangling over the doors as the Leaky Grove Tavern. Inside the dimly lit confines of the muggy drinking hole, several patrons both new and old jostled and drank the stress of their travels away. Scantily clad waitresses glided between tables, doling out drinks while absently swatting away wandering hands and pinching fingers. Sounds of merry and music rang through the air as a quartet of musicians playing brass, strings, keys, and drums filled the tavern with a jazzy melody. The cloying scent of alcohol and perfume wafted about the tavern, which mixed with a twinge of sweat closer to the claustrophobic dance floor. Wood chips and dirty rushes were kicked about the smooth stone floors as couples and drunks threw themselves from one side of the bar to the other, possessed by the rhythm of the music. [center][img]https://i.ibb.co/ZG1MhqL/Kraven.png[/img] [img]https://i.ibb.co/fp5H9vW/Ryder.png[/img][/center] In spite of the boisterous crowd that populated the noisy tavern, there was one area among the dingy interior that remained relatively clear. What normally serves as a billiard hall was instead acting as a temporary meeting room for a small group of stone faced men and women of the Coalition. The majority of them were posted about the room, shooting pool or conversing over open drinks. At the center of the dingy room sat a pair of men, both seemingly lost in thought. Finally, after several quiet moments, the silver haired one; Ryder, finally spoke. [color=ecc2ea]"Do you think this is everyone?"[/color] The other, Kraven; a tall dark haired man, broke his silence in response. [color=c10606]"Let's wait a little longer. I'm sure these aren't the only people willing to forge the path to the surface...and word should have gotten around-"[/color] [color=ecc2ea]"You put out all the flie-"[/color] [color=c10606]"I put out all the fliers yes."[/color] The two men shared a pair of stoic looks. Ryder raised an eyebrow. [color=ecc2ea]"Have you considered that maybe this is dumb and stupid?"[/color] He paused. [color=ecc2ea]"...Also most likely suicidal?"[/color] Kraven looked pointedly away, pulling a half empty mug of ale up to his lips. [color=c10606]"You mispronounced bold and courageous."[/color] responded Kraven through his teeth before taking a swig. [color=c10606]"Also, fortune does not favor cowards. If the fear of death is enough to deter those we've gathered for this excursion, than we're better off without them."[/color] Ryder's expression remained apathetic as he reached for his own drink. [color=ecc2ea]"Insightful as always captain." [/color] [center][img]http://www.dreamtemplate.com/dreamcodes/divider/images/tsc_divider5.png[/img][/center]