[hr][hr][center][h3][color=d19f6a][b]Ed Penior[/b][/color][/h3] [img]https://i.imgur.com/cfmjDDM.png[/img][hr][hr] [b][color=d19f6a]Location:[/color][/b] Xavier's Mansion: Blackbird Hangar [b][color=d19f6a]Skills:[/color][/b] Thamaturgy: Shield [hr][/center] The monkey's kept coming. They were swarming them and he tried his best but one of the monkeys sliced open his side. It was bleeding heavily. There was no way he could heal in this condition. He would lose his concentration too easily. However, his ability with Thaumaturgy was much stronger. His hand was still touching the shield so it didn't take any movement on his part. He whispered his words and bubbles appeared each person in their group and then expanded out pushing the monkeys off of them. Everyone was safe. He only glanced at Annie as she was trying to convince him to sit. [color=d19f6a]"Can't. Can't heal. I have to help Runa. I'm the mage."[/color] He spoke in broken sentences, which was very unlike him. He moved, taking his shield and Annie's and Runa's combining them all into a larger bubble, and reached his free hand toward her. [color=d19f6a]"I can try to help. I am glad to see you're not trying to kill us now."[/color] He gave a wry smile.