[Potential 0. Insecure] [i]Boop![/i] Canada, whatever focus you had on #MAT is interrupted by Set tapping your nose delicately with her index finger. She's smiling down at you, but there's just a hint of sternness in her bearing and demeaner, a little red in her aura. "I see why Marianne dropped you off here. That's the wrong answer, Canada. You got the fleet key and survived because Marianne helped you, understand?" Her finger in front of your face is making a little back and forth admonishment not far from your eyes. "and if you think working together isn't helpful, then I suppose you don't need me to get you out of here or anywhere close to a mirror, isn't that right? But I think you do need my help, and you're going to ask for it because I can see you're suffering. Stop trying to save everyone Canada, you don't have to be our sacrifice!" [Anat is using her influence to tell you who you are. Shift your savior down and your mundane up or reject her influence.]