[color=ed1c24]"There's never a bad reason to go on adventures! I guess maybe if you were like, running out on a kid or something then maybe...but, yeah, no, I totally get wanting to leave home for adventure. I love my pawpaw, but I wanted to practice my trade on the road. More sights to see, and more things to stick in bottles,"[/color] The werewolf girl said as she continued cleaning, thankful that eventually Brandy helped out. It was a good enough job that it wouldn't distract people at least. When Brandy asked her how she'd get started on adventuring, Alice would head over to the board and say: [color=ed1c24]"Usually yeah, its as simple as that...but with the receptionists out, all we can do right now is look them over and see what jobs are good to take. ...You seemed to be having trouble reading Common, so I'll read some of them off to you! Let's see..."Clean my Chimney", "Mail Delivery to Nutbrook", "Get Flour from Silverstone Mill", "Walk my Dog", and "Kill Snifflepatch, Errant Rabbit of Wonton Destruction". These are the only jobs new join-ees like us are allowed to take until we get further up,"[/color] Alice said, tail wagging as she looked over the jobs. [color=ed1c24]"We won't get much pay, but you can take on more than one in a day if you get them done fast enough. The rabbit one is probably the hardest."[/color]