[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200816/8b38302a55c7ddbcb702dbf3dc796151.png[/img][/center] Cassius tensed slightly and tightened the grip he had on the hilt of his sword as the man raised his voice. Best he could tell these men were a couple of idiots at best and hired thugs at worst. He'd dealt with their type plenty in his travels around and had seen his fair share of encounters get violent quick. While that wouldn't be a problem for him, he didn't want to put anyone else in the area in harms way. [color=00a99d][i]Better to just try to smooth this over without crossing swords...[/i][/color] He scowled down at the shorter man who stepped up between them, clearly trying his hardest to appear amiable. He'd have had a better shot if he bothered to take care of himself at all. His pallid skin and poorly done implants just further proved this. [i]We're all friends here, huh?[/i] He highly doubted that. He reached a gauntleted hand forward and placed it on the shorter man's shoulder, tightening his grip to the point that it was almost uncomfortable. He heard the angry voice of the girl come from behind the man, confirming his suspicions that they were not friends. [color=00a99d][b]"Just let the little lady go and then, maybe, we can see about finding that person you're looking for, alright."[/b][/color] His grip tightened just a bit more, a pleasant smile crossing his face, but a threatening undertone to his voice. It wasn't a suggestion. [color=00a99d][b]"No need for anyone here to get hurt."[/b][/color] A sudden spark of lightning flashed from the hand of the younger man; he felt a brief moment of surprise that moved into concern as he saw both the tanned man and the girl drop to the ground like a puppet whose strings had just been cut, [color=00a99d][b]"Spoke too soon I guess."[/b][/color] Using his hand on the man's shoulder as an anchor point, and the moment of surprise, he slammed his knee into the stomach of the smaller man causing him to double over. A swift blow to the temple and the man was on the ground with his friend. Cassius shook out his hand as he stepped over the man to kneel next to the unconscious form of the girl. He wasn't a doctor but he figured she would be alright in time. He looked back towards the other man, [color=00a99d][b]"Not the wisest course of action, but it got the job done I suppose."[/b][/color]