Big Red glanced at the hip Archer Girl patted. A skinning knife was awful small to be used for killing short of hitting arteries or slicing a neck. But hey if she didn't want a quality weapon it was more money in the groups pockets. The poofy haired girl scooped up the longsword and seemed to be examining the weapon. [color=red]"If you know how to use it you can keep it. If you don't I can teach you the basics."[/color] He said, he wasn't really one for swords. Whenever he held one it felt to light in his hands, and it wasn't always a boon to have a too light weapon. They followed the old goblin tracks back, maybe they should have left marks on trees or the ground so it'd be easier to find their way back to the farm. Lessons with experience. While they walked he heard a grumbling belly, it didn't seem to be Druid Girl. The girl mentioned not wanting rust in the animals blood so she had no plans to hunt with the goblins arrows. [color=red]"From what I've seen with my tribe meat would have to be really rancid to not be edible if you cook it fully."[/color] He rumbled out, but shrugged either way. [color=red]"If you're really hungry I have dried meat in my satchel."[/color] He continued as they continued their moonlit stroll through the wilderness. They made good time in the dark to the farm. Where Druid Girl had to knock twice to get a reaction from the farmer within. Luckily it was her knocking, the door looked like he'd break it if he gave it a resounding knock. Out came a butt-nekkid farmer with a candle and firepoker. A clumsy make-shift weapon given the weight. The look on his face made him look constipated, which got a raised brow from the significantly taller reptilian man. The farmer and Druid had some back and forth, was he expecting them to try and pull more money out of him? They were adventurers not bandits. The got a series of warnings which made him roll his eyes before he paid attention to the farmer again. [color=red]"Living goblin victim."[/color] He stated, he knew the farmer was joking but it was late, the group was tired, and he was covered in goblin blood. So he led the way to the barn, using his tail to heave open the door, and went in. He vaguely remembered the set up when he was first in there. He doubted the farmer left anything out in the walkway, so he drifted over to a pile of hay. Probably feed for the morning, and he laid the girl down in the stuff. [color=red]"We should all be able to rest, animals make good alarms."[/color] Big Red said as he sat down on the ground and leaned back against a support beam.