[@Skai] Accepted. [quote][b]LIMITS ⫻[/b] Arabelle can only scry on one location at a time, and her ability only works on locations that she has been to. The act of teleportation is more straining the further away she teleports - [i]theoretically,[/i] she can teleport any distance long as she has been there, but teleporting far distances will tire her out. Teleporting from one end of Araminta to the other will feel like she just ran a mile at top speed, but say teleporting from one end of the Vanburen manor to the other will be easy. [b]WEAKNESSES ⫻[/b] If Arabelle teleports through a broken mirror then she'll receive a cut from it. If the mirror is broken while she is inside of it (before she teleports) then Arabelle will be forced out of it and injured in the process. [/quote] Fun fact: Arabelle was the placeholder name for Araminta when I ran the first Fourth Seal rp.