[@gorgenmast] Since you've said you're cool with multiple characters, I may bring in Hrein if things ever slow down and we need something like him attempting an invasion of the mainland in order to get the plot going again. And as the cliffhanger ending just indicated, I'm about to introduce some bloodthirsty lunatic of a revenant major. I'm not decided yet if he'll be a recurring character or just make a one-time appearance, but if [@stitches] likes the look of that dude when he makes an appearance in my next post (hopefully writing it will just take me a few days) then we could talk about it. It wouldn't take much suspension of disbelief to say that one of his helpers 'disappeared' and that he's now in need of a replacement. No obligation of course. If you get an offer from somebody else to have character serve theirs and you're interested in taking them up on it, then by all means feel free to do so without waiting on me.