[@BigPapaBelial][@Searat] The assembled crowd of goblins didn't quite know what to think about Koglan's proclamation. After a moment, Gurs, the dark-green skinned one, spoke up. "Really? 'I have spoken on this?' Who does he think he is, the chief?" Breden stepped between Gurs and Koglan, coming to the defense of the latter. "It's just his way of speaking, Gurs. He doesn't mean anything by it. Kog's actually one of the humblest goblins I know, and he wouldn't think to overstep any boundaries. And you'd do well to remember how important his smithing work is, so unless you want to fight with sticks and stones, you'd better show him some respect!" "Uh huh. I won't tell any male he can't come on this patrol-" "No one put you in charge!" One of the other males exclaimed, only for Gurs to ignore him. "- but I'm not gonna go out of my way to keep you safe if you slow us down, so try to keep up, old timer!" "Who [i]is[/i] leading us on this patrol?" one of the males asked. "Uh... Griz, I think. No one was assigned to lead by the chief, but Griz has more experience than any of us, so I'll follow his lead." Breden remarked.