[@LiverisGood] [quote=Medivac]“Musician, you’ve been a great help. Do you know where this well is? Was it by the burnt house? If you want some more help, perhaps we can talk to the Chicken Lady about your beloved one.”[/quote] "[color=lightgray]The w-well's at the main village, m-mister... N-Near the mayor's house.[/color]" The Musician immediately answered. "[color=lightgray]But b-be wary, mister. If y-you have the S-Sickness... then the place w-will stink! Like something w-was rotting f-for days...![/color]" "[color=lightgray]H-help? You want to h-help? So kind, s-so very k-kind... Y-you are just like h-him... My d-daddy! But... My papa has changed, m-mister. Just l-like my mommy. They will not l-listen to me, they w-won't hear how sad I am, sir...[/color]" The young infected boy then made his request. "[color=lightgray]P-please... Please find the k-key, good s-ir! T-to the Pretty L-lady's room! The.. The C-chicken Lady has it! W-well, Mr. Jan also h-has it... I saw him r-recently, near the w-well. H-he used to play with m-me. We th-threw rocks into t-the well and l-looked into our r-reflections, while m-making silly faces! D-daddy used to say not to d-do it, else my face w-wil stay that w-way... Now the water in the w-well is always h-hazy. It s-shows these weird i-images...[/color]" "[color=lightgray]W-will you bring me the k-key if you f-find it? I p-promise to repay y-you somehow... M-me, and the P-pretty Lady![/color]" - [u]Radiant's[/u] attempts were fruitless. She continued repeating her mantra, unresponsive to all the questions thrown her way. When the Operator made note of the key the madwoman was holding though, the object gleamed and [u]Radiant[/u] was struck by an eerie vision. Images flashed before [u]Radiant[/u] with various noises. First was an image of a lovely home next to a familiar structure that would be recognized as the Chicken Lady's house. The next image was the home burning in the night, a silhouette of a man in the building being charred within. A mob of shadows armed with torches and makeshift weapons surrounded and watched the inferno. They then lifted what seemed to be a baby while a familiar figure watched from behind a tree, the madwoman. The last image was the well which was then boarded up with multiple planks. The last sound the vision gave was the snarl of a terrifying beast. The madwoman stopped her mantra once [u]Radiant[/u] was done with her vision, staring at the Operator with dilated eyes. She then got up and dashed into the forest, disappearing between the dead trees. Her sprint was swift, too fast for either [u]Radiant[/u] or [u]Medivac[/u] to chase and catch her.