Carver let the trio lead the stampede as they stormed toward the lab, but was as close behind as he could manage without his clunky legs getting in their way. Chad was next. He alternated between excited laughter and taking sips from his beer. Carmilla followed after Chad, arms crossed in an attempt to maintain the appearance of being dragged along with the crowd. Lillith calmly glided along several paces behind her sister. Sobki hesitated for a long moment before shaking his head and trailing after the group at a much more sluggish pace. Had the destination been much farther, he would have gotten left behind altogether within the span of a few minutes, but as it was he was only a few dozen yards back when the leaders of the pack caught sight of the skellington. They didn't all come skidding to a stop, of course. As the awareness slowly began to fully sink in, they went from a run, to a jog, to a walk, and finally came to an awkward stop a short distance past the Finkelstein's open gate. "Oh, yeah," Carver blinked. "Jack... exists." Lillith pinched the bridge of her nose and let out a long sigh. "You four didn't even [i]try[/i] asking the Pumpkin King for help, first?" Sobki matched hers with a sigh of relief as he caught back up to the group. Chad deflated. "Awww, does this mean no housebreaking party?"