Jack did a double take at the group. "Housebreaking--?" Shock broke out of her stupor first. "Too late!" she cried. "This is a [i]lot[/i] more fun!" With that, she bolted up the path, with Loki skreeing in excitement and her brothers on her tail. Chad chugged the rest of his beer and crushed the can on his forehead. "WOOOOOO!" he cried as he ran after them. "Let's go wreck stuff!" Jack quickly followed. "Hey - get back here!" Lock, Shock, and Barrel cackled as they ran up the path. Shock brought the battering ram down to properly grip it as she cleared the first set of three steps. In sync with her, Barrel grabbed the back handle, while Lock helped her grip the front. It took Chad a second or two to catch up and assist Barrel, but by then, they got past the second small set of steps and were on their way to the front door. Jack's long legs barely kept him right behind the group. Their youth and current adrenaline rush gave them a slight advantage. All four of the battering ram holders cried out in fury and excitement. It only took one shot to knock Finklestein's door down clean off its hinges. From upstairs, a small explosion was heard, followed by Jewel's cursing. Shock knew breaking the door down and whatever experiment they just ruined was enough to get the doctor's attention. She still yelled up the tower. "You've got a [i]lot[/i] of explaining to do, Finklestein!" she screamed. "As do you three," Jack said, as he stepped into the now-open entryway. "What in the name of Halloween is going on?" The trio unceremoniously dropped the battering ram. Chad followed suit when he realized the ram was too heavy to hold up by himself. Shock glared at Jack, but realized she had an opportunity. She crossed her arms. "He forced Carver into a new body," she said simply. "Carver tried it," Lock added. "Didn't like it." "And now he won't change it back!" Barrel said. "That new body is [i]hurting[/i] him," Shock continued. "Not only that, it's affecting [i]our[/i] balance too." Jack listened, and noticed that the jovial attitude the trio exhibited right before they ran up the path was gone now. All of them spoke with frustration and seriousness. Shock in particular, he noticed didn't attempt her usual feigning of innocence. Even more, he knew the trio disliked their sync being thrown off. "...I see," he said quietly, as he looked up the ramp where Jewel finally found the door to the lab to let the smoke out. Chad, thinking the skeleton bro didn't quite get the seriousness of the matter, piped up with another observation. "And he gave Carver [i]boobs[/i]!"