[b][h1][center][color=4286f4][i]Arthur Stanford[/i][/color][/center][/h1] [hr] [center][img]https://s.aolcdn.com/dims-shared/dims3/GLOB/crop/3280x2050+0+121/resize/640x400!/format/jpg/quality/85/https://s.aolcdn.com/hss/storage/midas/73ce8167c00ca1dc68e8468a67c07477/202780896/Photo+Credit+Jordan+Matter.jpg[/img][/center] [hr] [center][color=4286f4]Location:[/color]Argo III: Upperdeck Skills: N/A[/center] [hr][/b] Arthur sat himself next to Andy quietly, setting his food down, he knew something was wrong with Dem too. In a way, it felt good to not be alone in his suffering. Not that he wanted other people to hurt or anything, he wasn't that kind of person, but it's comforting to know he wasn't crazy for being as scared and upset as he was. This was all a lot, and he just needed to not be alone right now. This all was starting to confirm it. The older demigods were able to take it on with such ease, it made it feel like there was something they were fundamentally missing as new campers. As Demetri spoke, Arthur nodded. He took a slow sip from his orange juice, before saying, "[color=4286f4]I'm not gonna make fun of you Dem, and I'm not gonna be okay with anybody who does.[/color]" He was struggling just the same as Arthur was, and it made him feel closer. "[color=4286f4]I'm scared of all this. I don't know what's happening, and I understand how you're feeling.[/color]" He didn't know what else to say, but he wanted Dem to know he wasn't alone. He looked over at Andy, hoping she would say something similar.