[center][img]https://i.postimg.cc/7PF0w4Ms/image.png[/img][/center] [center] [b][color=b71d5d]Location:[/color][/b] Argo III - Galley [b][color=b71d5d]Skill:[/color][/b] [/center] [hr][hr] Andy frowned. She understood that it was new to Arthur and Demi, technically it was new for her too. She just had had a head start by all the stuff she had dealt with living on the streets for the last couple of years. She reached over and put her hand on Demi's arm. [color=b71d5d]"Hey, want me to talk to Mary to get her to back off?"[/color] Andy liked Mary they had gotten along well during the capture the flag game. [color=b71d5d]"I understand where you guys are coming from. I spent the last two years of my life fighting to keep it. I was scared and running all the time. There always seemed to be something horrible trying to kill me. For me, this,"[/color] She lifted her hand and waved it sort of indicating everything around them. [color=b71d5d]"Answered so many questions that I didn't even know I really had. I wanted to know why all these monsters wanted to kill me, but I didn't know anything. Having these answers has made me feel like I wasn't a freak. Like I belonged somewhere. And that's with you guys."[/color] She told her best friend and brother honestly. [center][hr][hr] [img]https://i.postimg.cc/K8QvVB52/image.png[/img] [img]https://i.postimg.cc/MHvXc39f/image.png[/img] [hr][hr] [color=0080ff]Location:[/color] Base of Mount Othrys [color=2B9311]Skills:[/color] [color=0080ff]Oathbinding[/color] [hr][/center] Emily was confused for a moment as Nancy said she was glad Emily thought she was cool then she realized it was a flaw in drifting language. She resisted laughing only because she was still pissed. But Waverly apologized and took off into the woods. Emily sighed and put her head in hand. That hadn't gone how she expected. Well, it was probably a good thing it didn't. [color=2B9311]"I'll go after her."[/color] Her voice was calm now and she didn't seem like she was going to curse Waverly anymore. [color=0080ff]"No offense Emily but you just ripped her a new one. I don't think it should be you that goes after her."[/color] In Niah's opinion it might be best if Marco went after Waverly. He was both the most removed from Nancy and he also hadn't just yelled at Waverly. If Niah went after Waverly it might be seen by Waverly that she was there as Nancy's spokesperson even if she wasn't. [color=0080ff]"Marco, I think it would be best if you went after her."[/color] She didn't explain why, but she figured he could guess her thought process. He was smart enough for that. Emily frowned, [color=2B9311]"Because I just yelled at her I should go after her. I should apologize."[/color] Emily said and walked into the woods after Waverly. It took a minute and a trackback when Emily realized she had definitely lost the trail that Waverly had left behind. But she came upon the younger girl. [color=2B9311]"Waverly I am sorry for yelling. I won't explain my reasons, but what you said was wrong. Even if Nancy were a friend. Thank you for apologizing to her. We should talk for a moment before going back."[/color] Niah felt her skin tingle. Her mind focused and automatically she said, [color=0080ff]"And so the Oath is made and bound."[/color] Her eyes went wide and she looked around. She hadn't heard anyone make an oath. She didn't even know what Oath she had just bound. It made her skin crawl a bit.