The most practical application of Nightwing’s abilities would be on the strategic level, operating from the shadows, providing intel and reconnaissance for the overall conflict. An important part, and generally ignored aspect by the JLA. Exiting the teleportation portal at a run Nightwing went directly into a combat roll, sliding behind an exhibit depicting several boomerangs and a crocodile Dundee hat. Besides the sounds of battle raging outside however there proved to be zero challenge to the Supermen’s’ direct line of reinforcement. Straightening up Nightwing scanned the surrounding memorabilia, hesitant despite the apparent lack of foes. “Getting sloppy Gordd, or did someone already take out your portal guard?” He inquired to the empty museum before making straight for the entrance. His confusion cleared when he spotted the unconscious pile of gorillas by the double doors, the product of Zatara’s efficient work. They were knocked out cold, and a few of them were groaning, no doubt suffering from minor concussions. Deftly Nightwing swept his fingers over the likely commander noting him for his different colored armor and enormous size. He probed the ape’s ears letting out a triumphant laugh when his efforts produced a communication device. Screams resounded from outside followed by the unmistakable sounds of laser fire cutting off his short lived jubilation. Depositing the captured radio in a safe pouch Nightwing sprinted for the door only to be knocked down as the earth itself shook under a mighty impact. Windows and glass barriers shattered, sending broken glass and random exhibits tumbling across the museum floor. “Damn heavy hitters.” He muttered regaining his feet only to be sent tumbling from a second earthquake. Someone big just got absolutely rocked he summarized, picking a few stray pieces of glass from his armor. The momentary lull saw a renewal in the laser fire outside, fresh frightened screams rang in Nightwing’s ears as he sprinted to wall. Pressing his back against the structure he took a quick view of the outside situation. The Supermen were hard pressed, despite the prevalence of superhumans the fighting spilled out in several directions. An unorganized mess of melee and magic and lasers, each hero operating separately of one another. Who led here? Surely the Supermen had a field command and were not relying exclusively on Black Lightning, who was managing at least two different situations from the Watch Tower. The Flash would be the logical choice, this being his home turf and him being the most experienced. Wally might not be the best choice for captain, but he would be managing them better than this. That awful twisting feeling in his gut Nightwing felt every time a friend’s status was unknown during a mission hit him hard, and he fought the urge to vomit. Wally knew how to take care of himself, he was the fastest man alive for crying out loud. He would be fine. Instead Nightwing focused on the mission at hand, most importantly the lone gorilla systematically working his way towards the masked vigilante’s hiding spot. Wearing a brutish grin, the murderous beast gunned down several fleeing civilians, mocking the way they screamed and squirmed. So invested was he in his rampage the gorilla did not notice the concealed hero until the flashbang capsule exploded in his face. Blinded the ape released a terrible roar, firing wildly in all directions. Not wasting a second Nightwing leapt from his place of concealment preforming a handspring over the monster’s head delivering twin blows to the animal’s cranium using his batons. The gorilla sank, his laser gun going silent as Nightwing grabbed his head and pulled it down violently slamming his armored kneecap directly into the ape’s temple. The crowd, shocked and slightly blinded by Nightwing’s flashbang themselves struggled to get a good look at the victorious hero. “W-who are you?” One frightened woman asked, shivering despite the day’s warmth. Nightwing did not answer, instead he grabbed the gun disassembling it and scattering the pieces. “Get the injured and clear the area.” He ordered once he was sure the weapon could not be easily reassembled. When the people hesitated, he raised his voice to a very Batman-esque growl. “Go NOW!” Unfortunately, there was no way to secure the downed gorillas. The zip ties he used on human suspects would be useless, he would just have to hope the head trauma they received would be enough to keep them out of the fight. Drawing his grapple launcher Nightwing waited until the last of the civilians had scattered and went back to the task at hand. Swiftly he scaled the side of Marriott Resort conveniently located across the street from the Flash Museum. Seven years ago he’d been here as a civilian, staying in the fancy resort as Dick Grayson with his best friend Wally West. The two of them wanted to be the first ones through the doors of the museum during its grand opening. Wally, always the troublemaker got them in and out of enough mischief that they were nearly kicked out, but his friend had always been there ready and willing. Nightwing shook the memory away, now as not the time to worry about Wally. He needed to focus. Every hundred feet he would unhook his grapple line and take a quick survey of the situation on the ground before scaling another length. The climb was like those he had done a thousand times before. Select target, fire, real in, release and repeat. Except even when he ran as Robin with Batman or the Titans, he would rarely attempt this during the day. He felt exposed and vulnerable against the building’s reflective glass. All it would take was one sharp eyed gorilla, and a single well-placed shot. Surmounting the summit without incident Nightwing rolled onto the roof, laying flat to minimize his profile while he examined the ground situation more thoroughly. The battle raging between Longshadow and Congorilla explained the minor earth shakes he had experienced earlier, Grodd himself seemed to be distracting Superman, but even Nightwing’s bird eye view could only see a small part of the city. “Robin, do you read me?” Nightwing waited, before pressing the earpiece again repeating his request. A short silence followed and then a slightly static. “Robin here, you’re coming through slightly garbled. Let me find a stronger signal.” “It’s distance, these radios are good but…” He did not need to explain the sheer mileage involved between Central City and Gotham, even Batman’s radios began to suffer. “Listen, I’ve got a captured enemy communication device here, I’m going to transfer the signal to you. I need you to decrypt the voice lock and transfer the information to Black Lightning. This might be vital, and at the very least it will help us combat the enemy.” Robin’s response was slow in coming, and even across several hundred miles Nightwing could hear the hesitation in his voice. “I-I’m not sure I can. That is more Oracle’s specialty…” “Well, Oracle is not available and I’m in the field. So, you’ll have to do it.” Nightwing softened his tone. “You know how, you’ve been taught by the best.” “Alright,” Nightwing could practically hear the renewed confidence flooding back. “I’ll get that done, fast as I can, anything else?” “Negative, Nightwing out.” Now for the next item on the list. The vigilante turned his attention to the battle between Longshadow and Congrilla. The two goliaths caused the earth to tremble beneath them at every impact, but more curiously was why they fought in the first place. Patching himself through the Supermen’s communications Nightwing tried to hail the beleaguered Longshadow. “Longshadow do you read me, this is Nigh-“ He pasued, would Longshadow know him as Nightwing? The hero mentally shrugged, who cared really? If the information got passed along what difference did it make? “This is Nightwing. What is the situation over there, is Congorilla under some sort of mental influence?”