Zatana gripped the package as it was passed to her, her eyes glinting in interest. The parcel slipping into her leather armor as she disappeared deeper into the alley the beggar was sitting in front of. No need to waste such a potentially easy route to the rooftops. Though as she repeated the memorized spell and became wrapped about in shadows, she hoisted herself up onto a high fence and then a roof. The way back would be easy enough, rooftop walking was one of her favorite things to do after all. But Zatana was all too aware of the parcel as it pressed against her ribs. Slowing her pace for a minute, she fished out the paper and examined the seal. It was possible, she reasoned to get the seal off without ruining it. The downside was that it would take time, something she was not certain they could afford. There was always the risk of magic. Yet, she was an information gatherer and this packet held information she wanted to know. Balthazar was of the same Great Game as she and the motto 'two can keep a secret if one of them is dead' made sharing a tad bit difficult if you did not trust the person explicitly. Zatana, a known dark elf, had no belief that the wizard found her trustworthy. Pausing by a merchant's shop, she drew one of her thin throwing daggers and slid it between the shutters. Catching the latch, she flicked it out of the eye that held it and slowly opened one window. Finding a bedroom with valuables missing, she noted clothing scattered from frantic owners gathering the best of what they had. Stepping carefully she shut the window slowly behind her and closed the latch. Padding over to the door, she peered into the hall and her lips curved into a cat in the cream smile. One door was a jar and a small trail of papers led out of it. Plucking a receipt from one, she saw the ingredients needed to make soap and a seal on the letter. Good, they might have left some supplies. Shutting the door softly as she stepped into the study, she eyed the window and nodded in satisfaction. A way right at hand, that was good. Searching the desk, she plucked a small tube of wax and smiled. Luck was with her. Grabbing a candle, she stirred the small brazier that seemed to be favored by the merchant in place of a hearth. Letting the wick catch on a small spark, Zatana placed the candle on the desk, pinning the wax above with another knife and paper below to catch any drippings. Carefully she slid the knife between the wax seal and the envelope, working it free. Taking a few shavings from the bottom of the original wax seal, it wouldn't fool the wizard if he was using magic. A grim and probably true prospect, but Zatana saw no reason not to use this as a test to see if that was idea the case. There was also the added bonus Balthazar might think less of her skill which would give her an advantage. Pulling the papers out, the dark elf quickly scanned each page. If she had the time, she would have copied them out in her shorthand. But there was no time. Looking over them a second time she tried to commit a report to Balthazar himself. Ever detail was important to remember, and she took pride in getting that information fully and correctly. Nothing else was acceptable. The rogue melted the scrappings of wax from the original seal with the newer wax and allowed a dab of it on the back of the seal. Grabbing her knives and sheathing them, Zatana was about to curse. Setting things in order, blowing out the candle, pocketing the used wax and drippings in a pouch within her armor and letting the wax find it's grip, she grimance at the time she had lost. Flicking the latch open, she jumped onto a nearby lower roof and shot off at an almost reckless place. Careful to be aware of the envelope tucked away within her breastplate.