[b]Earlier, in a small town in Maine...[/b] Several dead bodies lay on the floor of a local restaurant. The slender young man was dressed in a pink jacket, with white dress pants. He stroked his spiky, blonde hair and giggled as he peaked at the still crawling fifth man, who stretched his hand out for mercy. This plea for mercy would be ignored as Harry simply flicked his index finger in a magical gesture, poking the man's right eye out. This man, covered from head to toe in lacerations, seemingly from a very sharp knife or other bladed weapon, finally died of blood loss. Harry giggled again. "It's true what they say. Blondes [i]do [/i]have more fun." The manager hid behind the counter, shivering in fear at the supernatural spectacle that had just occurred. It was around five minutes ago, and Seven sleazy jerks, who had routinely harassed and terrorized some of the inhabitants of town had just been massacred. Seeing that Harry really liked to "stand out", the gang had gotten the idea to take him away, "have some fun with him", then murder him somewhere outside town limits. Unfortunately for them, their "target" was none other than the reincarnation of Hecate, goddess of witchcraft. The first man, a young looking, handsome, but still evil jerk, forced Harry out of his seat and pressed his mouth against Harry's. Harry quickly responded by knocking him across the face with his fist, causing teeth to fly. By now all the customers of the restaurant had left. Harry's eyes narrowed. "Leave me alone. I'm in a good mood. So if you go away and leave me alone, I'll leave you alone. If you press me any further, you'll regret it." The other men laughed, as the restaurant manager took out his shot gun, pointing it behind one of the thugs. "Get out of my restaurant!" He demanded. "Fred", the heavy set, taller man, with very prominent muscles would respond to this by snatching the manager's weapon from his hands, and aiming it at the man's groin. Harry smiled, as if bearing a set of fangs. "That wasn't nice." The lights of the restaurant would all shatter, and suddenly this local eatery would be pitch black inside, at High Noon, as if it were Midnight. Sitting down back for his meal, the first man's throat would be slashed open, four of the other men would feel cuts suddenly slicing across their whole bodies, from head to toe, with two of the men suddenly bursting out of the double doors as if in sheer terror. It was a miracle they didn't stumble or run into the walls in absolute panic.