Alice would pick the dog-walking job up from the bulletin board, reading it over in full to give Brandy all the details. [color=ed1c24]"Let's not feed the dog, do not let the dog get its fur dirty, don't let it swim, don't let it get its derriere sniffed by a mutt...whoever this Elma Elmswood is, they sure must love their dog."[/color] With those read aloud, Alice would wave hello to Karin as she returned. [color=ed1c24]"Welcome back Ms. Mofumofu! Brandy wanted to take this job to get used to walking around the town. Would you mind if I went with her, just to make sure everything goes smoothly? I'd hate for her to get yelled at when she can't read the instructions,"[/color] Alice said, reasoning that if Brandy was illiterate, she could read for her. Having Alice along on a dog-walk might make it go much easier too, considering she was a werewolf. Wolf, dog...same difference, really!