Magic. How it made life utterly convenient. Acrius made a mental note to bug Balhazar on teaching him that 'clean' spell. He smelled immaculate, nary a whiff of the odour the plagued him. [b][color=#FF9900]"Appreciate it, gramps."[/color][/b] He said with real gratitude and an actual smile. Atleast he was now presentable. He himself didn't mind the smell, he was used to it after all. And if a smell would make you gag, then you'd have no place in the battlefield. In the past, Siegfried had grilled him alive when he trot behind the prince; the smell that Acrius exuded visually repulsed those the around him. As Acrius mused those thoughts, he felt a horse staring at him. Now a horse was staring at him. It was Zatana's mare. It seemed that he couldn't escape being gawked at. Then Zatana herself appeared and handed off a package to Balthazar. From the little he could gather the mission itself was successful. That was all he thought about, not even considering that Zatana was oddly late for a woman of her skill. She was mysterious, to say the least. All he could vouch for was her skill in battle. He hoped that'd she'd grant him a duel sometime soon. The horse now nuzzled into him and began nipping at his armour. What a lively beast. Acrius was about to lightly push the horse away as it neared his hair when Zatana jerked it away. [b][color=#FF9900]"Thanks, I just got clean,"[/color][/b] He said simply, [b][color=#FF9900]"Quite an animated mare you have there, Zatana."[/color][/b]