With everyone having settled in and found a place to lay their heads, Druid Girl would proceed to stay close by the surviving girl's side. The smell in the barn was nostalgic, reminding her of her own home, and in any other circumstance she wouldn't have had any trouble falling asleep. Alas, her's was a bleeding heart, and she couldn't quite stomach the idea of falling asleep peacefully while this other poor soul lay in a state of catatonic shock with who-knows-what-kind of nightmares and trauma swirling around behind those blank, unblinking eyes. As such, she opted to rest next to the red-head, resting but not fully sleeping, keeping an eye on the girl and making sure she was breathing fine and not suddenly going into fits or otherwise... Which she luckily didn't. Although the raven-haired youth had wanted to do something, in reality there wasn't much she [i]could[/i] do for the goblin-victim. She possessed no strong healing spells, nor the ability to ease mental or emotional trauma. She could certainly brew a tea to calm nerves and make someone relax, but the state this girl was in was well beyond the means of curing with a simple pot of herbal tea. She needed actual, professional and skilled help - and that kind of help only existed at hospitices and temples. So for now, the best they could do was just to keep the poor thing safe until they got back to town and could leave her at one of such places. The night passed uneventfully, with no noise nor commotion, except for the occasional snoring cow and/or bit of sputtering from the old mare. Morning came eventually, and as the moons set beyond the horizon and the sun began to shine across from the other side of the world, the farm's head-rooster let out a loud and clear cuckaoodle-doo, letting all be aware that the day had come... Several times... Repeatedly... Like, seriously, that was one repetetive clucker... He just wouldn't shut up... Having only half-slept through the night, Druid Girl let out a loud, unsightly yawn as she stretched her arms into the air and groaned like a cat that'd just woken from a pleasant nap. As she looked over to the side, she was astounded to find that the red-head had actually closed her eyes, and was now asleep... Perhaps fatigue had finally caught up with the poor dear? Or perhaps she was just too exhausted, both physically and mentally, to stay conscious for any longer? Regardless, the fact that she was asleep was a good thing. It eant that she at least would be able to recover, in some small way. A relieved smile lingered on the dark skined girl, as she gently stroked the victimized maiden's head. She then looked over to Big Red and Steppe Archer respectively. "I think we should just get some water from the well and be on our way. I doubt the farmer'll be willng to share any breakfast with u-" [i][b]OOoOOOOoOOOooOOOooOOoOOOoooOOoOOoOOOooohhhHHHHhHhhHHhh!![/b][/i] The druid's eyes went wide and her cheeks flushed as brightly as a ripe tomato. The noise had come from her stomach, and had been loud enough to make even the drowsy animals in their pens turn their heads and look towards her in confusion. The girl sat there on the haypile, hands now covering her belly, with a mortified expression on her face, trying to avoid eye-contact with anyone and anything. It seemed Steppe Archer wasn't the only one feeling a bit peckish... Then again, they hadn't had any food since yesterday... And gven the gluttonous girl's voracious appetite, it was amazing she hadn't had a grumbling tummy earlier. "... Uhm... So... Yeah... We... Should totally get ready to..." [b][i]OOoOOoOoOoOOoOooOOOoOOOoOOooOOOOoOOooOOOoohHHHHHHhhhHHhHHHhhh!![/i][/b] Amazingly, her face apparently had the capacity of turning even more red. She was now also trying to hide said face by hugging her knees and covering her face with ther arms...