[CENTER][COLOR=SLATEGRAY][B]C H A R A C T E R C O N C E P T P R O P O S A L[/B][/COLOR][h1][color=ORANGE][b]G E N [sup]1 3[/sup][/b][/color][/h1][hr] [img]https://i.imgur.com/ZKoG9A6.jpg[/img][h3][sup][sub][color=Lime]S U R V I V O R S / E S C A P E E S [color=Violet]♦[/color] O R G A N I C W E A P O N S [color=Violet]♦[/color] O N T H E R U N [color=Violet]♦[/color] I . O .[/color][/sub][/sup][/h3] [hr][img]https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/fictionalcrossover/images/7/76/Gen13_logo.gif[/img] [/CENTER][COLOR=ORANGE][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3]C H A R A C T E R C O N C E P T:[/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][hr][/COLOR] [CENTER][sup][color=springgreen]"Nobody wants to be alone... Not even we monsters." - Jonothon "Chamber" Starsmore[/color][/sup][/CENTER] [INDENT][INDENT][i]After the escape of the man known as "Wolverine", the Government program "Weapon X" was swiftly shut down, packed up, it's budget diverted numerous times and it's purpose shifted to various shady and seemingly unrelated Government departments in order to evade accountability lest the failure return to the doors of those responsible. Years later, and the Government has once again been emboldened to dabble in mutant weapons. Now under the banner of the C.I.A's "International Operations" or "I.O.", the Weapon X program undertook a cosmetic name change and became known as Gen[sup]11[/sup]. Followed naturally by Gen[sup]12[/sup]. Making the most of the latitude provided by the name change, I.O. chose to utilise ALL that had been learned about the mutant genome and add diversity, to provide a large slate of new options in their Generation 13 rollout. Mental blocks were put into place by powerful psychics. The children were made to believe the facility was an expensive boarding school styled Academy, where they had been sent by their parents to best ensure a quality education. The truth was that none of these children had ever really met their parents, and by night were sleeping in Gen-Developmental capsules which aged the students and further pacified the students whilst in their subconscious state. I.O. had learned much from earlier programs, and the best way to maintain control was to ensure that authority was viewed as justified. Positive behaviour at the Academy was seemingly "rewarded" whilst negative behaviour "punished" but in reality, all behaviour was met with the same consequences - behaviour modifying drugs and psychic manipulation. This groundwork needed to be laid early to ensure control could be maintained once the children's powers would begin to manifest. Whilst this method of control proved superior to more forceful methods tried in the past with operations like Weapon X, it required consistent utilization of the understood "rules" between authority figures and subject and would only hold as well as its weakest link. So successful was this method of control in fact, that some students took on [b]more[/b] responsibilities in order to appease the controlling authority further. Such was the case with the subject Caitlin Fairchild. Fairchild was a standout academic (particularly in computing and electrical engineering, but in general as well), albeit mousey figure, very responsible in nature and instilled with some greater privileges around the facility. Often functioning as a voice of reason between her fellow students, when they would listen to her. One night she staggered out to the bathroom, feeling unwell - the drugs had begun to cause nausea as power manifestation drew imminent, and she caught her name lit up on an unattended computer screen. Upon further investigation she discovered that the "Fairchild" it referred to was an "Alexander Fairchild" - her birthparents, which contradicted the information she'd been told all of her life and been made to believe by psychic manipulation. With quick thinking, Caitlin hacked in a "backdoor" access using her technological progress so that she would be able to once again gain access should she need to leave in a hurry. As soon as she had done this, she began to scan through the rest of her fellow "classmates" files and was shocked at the results. The relatively passive method of containment employed depended upon two things: A mutually agreed upon system of punishment and reward And A sense that punishment and reward was being handled justly by the authoritative presence. These tacit agreements were breached when an “attendant”, noticing Caitlin up past curfew and accessing forbidden files, chose to respond by attempting to knock her out with the concussive force of a stun gun. However, fuelled by righteous indignation and the drugs prescribed to aid in the manifestation of powers, Caitlin shook off the attempt to bring her to heel. She grew dramatically, as her muscles rapidly became considerably denser and, not knowing her strength, knocked the attendant unconscious in self-defence. Scared of reprisal and feeling alone in her knowledge of this terrible place, Caitlin fled and woke several of her classmates. She shook a handful of the others awake; Everett Thomas - because she believed everyone would listen to him, Jubilation Lee – because her seemingly willful disobedience would lead to her believing her story, Roxy Spaulding and Eddie Chang – because she believed Roxy was the “coolest kid in school” and people would believe her, and she happened to have been sneaking around with Grunge after curfew at the time, and Jono Starsmore – because he had been severely hurt by this place already, having accidentally blown away his jaw and part of his upper chest when his own powers manifested, which had changed his attitude about the “Academy” already. After telling these five, it took very little time before the news spread and the others were awake and ready to leave. But they’ve now learned something devastating about their previously pleasant Principal Ivana Baiul… [center][img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/heroesassembled/images/5/53/Ivanabaiul.jpg[/img][/center] She dresses like a right trollop outside of school hours... ...Wait, no, that's not it. It's that she's a cyborg and has decided that she's willing to change up the program and try more forceful means of keeping them all here.[/i][/indent][/indent] [COLOR=ORANGE][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3]C H A R A C T E R M O T I V A T I O N S & G O A L S:[/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][hr][/COLOR][INDENT][INDENT][i]Teen characters, on the run together, trying to make things work whilst having their own issues in and amongst themselves, as they search for meaning, family and life. By blending together two (well... if you're a GM three) different titles I should have a good depth of story matter to work with and should hopefully come up with some pretty interesting posts. It's going to be very ambitious keeping all of these plates spinning at once and making sure they're still complex characters with depth... but I'm looking forward to the challenge. [/i][/indent][/indent] [COLOR=ORANGE][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3]C H A R A C T E R N O T E S:[/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][hr][/COLOR][INDENT][INDENT][i] [Hider=FAIRCHILD][Img]https://comicvine1.cbsistatic.com/uploads/original/11116/111167641/4495512-caitlin_fairchild.png[/img] Caitlin Fairchild - AKA [color=lime][b]FAIRCHILD[/b][/color] Caitlin Fairchild is smart, thoughtful and caring. She’s the epitome of the person who hasn’t yet grown into their body yet, she has a very naïve and innocent attitude regarding boys and their intentions due in part to the fact that for much of her life nobody has really considered her “that way” and she’s been too busy with her studies to have much of a social life. As a result she tends to take people very much at face value, but will quickly turn to anger if she senses she’s been deceived or exploited. She’s a natural leader and generally manages to stay cool, calm and collected under duress. The manifestation of her mutant powers turned her into a genuine powerhouse with a physique that has grown to match her brain, but she sometimes struggles with not knowing her own strength or size.[/Hider] - Powers: Physical Powerhouse [Hider=BURNOUT][img]https://comicvine1.cbsistatic.com/uploads/original/0/2532/1662224-gen13_v1_06_p18.jpg[/img] Bobby Lane - AKA [color=yellow][b]'BURNOUT'[/b][/color] Bobby is principled, and as one of the first students to have his powers manifest, has greater control than most over his own mutant capabilities. He can play the guitar and has a strong, if selective, interest in music. He’s very interested in Sarah Rainmaker, but that likely seems doomed due to her own shared interest in the fairer sex. Bobby’s powers manifested to give him the ability to generate high energy plasma which can burn extremely hot. He can fly by using this ability to superheat the air and creating controlled thermal updrafts. He can protect himself with fire shields which burn so hot bullets melt prior to contact, or use his flame as an aggressive ranged weapon as fireballs.[/hider] Powers: Flame/Plasma Manipulation [Hider=CHAMBER][img]https://comicvine1.cbsistatic.com/uploads/original/9/96747/7133618-31.jpg[/img] Jonothon 'Jono' Starsmore - AKA [color=springgreen]'CHAMBER'[/color] The “angry, sarcastic embittered loner” of the group. The sarcastic Jono Starsmore’s first attempt to use his powers in a controlled setting resulted in blowing off his own jaw and a large part of his chest. Upon doing so he believed he saw glee in the Principal’s eyes when she “checked up” on him later in the Academy’s sick bay, as a result he has had his doubts about her and the entire program for quite some time. Ivana Baiul used the incident to isolate and separate him from the rest of his peers, which he is only too happy to go along with, generally choosing to wallow in self pity or keep his peers at arm’s length to “protect them” but also to protect himself from hurting anyone he may actually grow to care about. Has an interest in 'emo' music. [/hider] Powers: Vessel for Seemingly Boundless Psionic Energy [Hider=FREEFALL][img]https://comicvine1.cbsistatic.com/uploads/original/1/15659/4087406-freefall-gen13-science_friction.jpg[/img] Roxy Spaulding - AKA [color=hotpink][b]'FREEFALL'[/b][/color] Rebellious, but “fun” by nature, Roxy is considered by many to be one of the “cool, popular” kids. But she often feels intimidated and jealous of some of the other students – particularly Caitlin, since her power manifestation seems to have very much caught the attention of Grunge, who she adores… for reasons known seemingly only to herself. Her ability to control and countermand the effects of gravity are difficult for her to control, and can exhaust her, but it seems this may be due to the fact that she is the youngest in the class and her powers manifested “early” – this is due to her sneaking her pills in the corner of her cheek and hiding them in her room due to a lack of trust for the facility, followed by taking a higher dose of the stowed pills once she saw the benefits her classmates powers brought them. [/hider] Powers: Gravity Manipulation [Hider=GRUNGE][IMG]https://comicvine1.cbsistatic.com/uploads/original/1/15659/4050331-grunge-gen13-grunge_saves_the_world%231-jackie_chan_movie_marathon.jpg[/IMG] Percival Edmond 'Eddie' Chang - AKA [color=sienna][b]'GRUNGE'[/b][/color] Puberty hit Eddie Chung like a freight train, leaving him a very hairy squat youth, and brimming with energy. He is instantly recognisable by his classmates as possessing one of two odours; Either stinking of far too much ‘Axe’ body spray, or reeking of body odour due to an insufficient amount of ‘Axe’ body spray. Grunge is a simple man, he likes boobs, the music of the Foo Fighters, girls, kung fu movies, women in revealing clothing and playing flirtatious pranks of an overtly sexualised nature on the girls within the group. For some reason he has completely captivated the attention of Roxy Spaulding (Freefall) within the group, whilst disgusting most of the other women. Immediately became far more aware of Caitlin Fairchild’s existence when her powers manifested for obvious reasons. [/Hider] Powers: Able to Take On the Properties of Objects He Comes Into Contact With [Hider=HUSK][img]https://comicvine1.cbsistatic.com/uploads/original/3/31666/2640991-husk_3.jpg[/img] Paige Guthrie - AKA [color=khaki]'HUSK'[/color] Paige is hard-working, optimistic and incredibly eager to please. Privately she finds some of her other classmates intimidating, but her response is usually to come back trying even harder. She has a rich Southern lilt, which she is subconscious about and often tries to mask, fearing it makes her seem “lesser”. So far her powers are yet to have manifested around the others yet, references to this fact by her classmates make her defensive. Can come across as "high strung".[/hider] Powers: Able to "Shed her Skin", Revealing An Alternate Form of Her Choosing Underneath [Hider=JUBILEE][img]https://comicvine1.cbsistatic.com/uploads/original/1/15755/395429-39653-jubilee.gif[/img] Jubilation Lee - AKA [color=magenta][b]'JUBILEE'[/b][/color] Jubilee is dyscalculic and dyslexic, which combined with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder leave her at a sizable disadvantage in her academics, where she grades out the lowest in the group – something she’ll often make light of, in hopes that people won’t tease her about it. Her difficulties focusing also reveal themselves in her use of powers, where it’s suspected that her command over combustible plasma could hypothetically be used in a similar capacity to Burnout. Where she struggles with focus and book-learning however, she more than makes up for it in creativity and quick thinking. Despite not having any kind of power augmentation that would aid her in that capacity, she still grades out as one of the most agile, and athletic amongst the teens. She’s also very sociable, and it is often pointed out that it is beyond her capacity to shut up. [/hider] Powers: Plasmoid Manipulation [Hider=M][img]https://comicvine1.cbsistatic.com/uploads/original/9/96747/7529172-31.jpg[/img] Monet St Croix - AKA [color=mediumaquamarine][b]'M'[/b][/color] Monet represents the concept of “perfection”. Monet was selected of the 13 subjects, in the interest of creating the most balanced “perfect” new organic weapon. Given natural physical and mental gifts that far surpass those of any human athlete or genius. Whilst not as durable or strong as Caitlin, she does possess a healing factor, has a healing factor and can read and absorb information far quicker than Fairchild as well. She is able to fly and also is a fairly powerful telepath; able to read minds, project her own thoughts and has some defensive telepathic abilities as well. Her "stuck up" attitude does make it difficult for her to relate to others and make friends. Caitlin does have respect for her though, treating her natural academic prowess as a challenge and forming a friendly rivalry which pushed her even harder in her studies. [/hider] Powers: Physical Powerhouse, Psi Abilities, Flight, Mental Powerhouse [Hider=PENANCE][img]https://comicvine1.cbsistatic.com/uploads/original/0/3848/112610-64645-penance.JPG[/img] [color=crimson]PENANCE[/color] Very little is known about the mute mutant known as Penance, other than she is small, red, and extremely sharp. …Oh, and for some weird reason, she seems to have some strange form of connection to M. [/hider] Powers: Diamond like skin, Claws, Almost Impenetrable Physically and Mentally whilst Conscious [Hider=RAINMAKER][img]https://comicvine1.cbsistatic.com/uploads/original/11118/111185003/4029331-szrdxcfhjk.png[/img] Sarah Rainmaker - AKA [color=deepskyblue]'RAINMAKER'[/color] Sarah Rainmaker is au naturale. She is incredibly comfortable with her own body, has very activist Green leaning views towards the environment, society in general and issues pertaining to First Nations people as someone who identifies as being of Apache descent, who wields power over elemental aspects of nature may well be. She’s also a lesbian, and occasionally finds it difficult being the only lesbian in a school of about a dozen – which also impedes her own ability to properly discover her sexual identity.[/hider] Powers: Weather Manipulation [Hider=SKIN][img]https://comicvine1.cbsistatic.com/uploads/original/10/101742/2094280-skinx3.jpg[/img] Angelo Espinosa - AKA [color=slategray]'SKIN'[/color] Angelo Espinosa’s mutant power manifestation resulted in the young man being given an extra 6 feet of skin. It takes some degree of effort just to maintain cohesion and he sleeps in a bath with the plug hole plastered over so he doesn’t drip out on his bedroom floor. Ange often jokes about his own predicament as a form of “owning” it and to project a confidence that under the surface may not really be there.[/hider] Powers: Additional Skin can be manipulated to mimic others, Has some close quarters advantages in combat [Hider=SYNCH][img]https://comicvine1.cbsistatic.com/uploads/original/0/77/152499-185982-synch.jpg[/img] Everett Thomas - AKA [color=orange][b]'SYNCH'[/b][/color] Everett’s “power” is heavily contingent on the people around him. He is able to project a mutant aura out from himself and “synch-up” with other mutants in the area, sharing in whatever power manifestation they may have. He’s a quality teammate and friend, who cares greatly about those around him.[/hider] Powers: Can Manipulate Aura to "Synch" with other mutants, allowing him access to their powers himself [/i][/indent][/indent] [COLOR=ORANGE][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3]S A M P L E P O S T:[/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][hr][/COLOR][INDENT][INDENT]Sample post pending.[/indent][/indent] [COLOR=ORANGE][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3]P O S T C A T A L O G:[/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][hr][/COLOR][INDENT][INDENT][i]Not Applicable - New Character[/i][/indent][/indent]