So, i've been with this board for 12 years now, it's been a big part of my life and i'm very greatful for it. But since July, i've been moving my creative focuses towards another type of storytelling medium. Audio-Drama. Essentially, me, an IRL friend and one of his IRL friends are putting together audio-drama's based on different fandoms and have convinced me to do some writing for them. We're already in the process of converting one of my old Green Lantern RP's into audio-drama format. But right now, i could really do with some help. Essentially, i'm looking for some of the following things: 1) People who want to help write episodes. Writing an entire series is a big, daunting task and something that i'm almost dreading, so i've decided to ask here, with you creative people, if any of you would be able to help by writing some stuff for it? You will, of course, be creditted and everything. Of course, financial compensation is impossible, due to the current climate of fan-projects being "Studio's don't care who does what so long as no money changes hands whatsoever (Thanks for nothing, Alec Peters.) 2) People i can talk to. Pretty much, right now, one of my main problems with writing new episodes is not really having someone to scruitinize my work. I mean, i am not saying i'm a bad writer, but i would feel a lot better about it if i had someone that could scruitinize my work or maybe offer suggestions for scene's i've got bogged down in writing. 3) Potentially, people who are looking for VA roles. Honestly, we can never have too many people applying for VA roles. I will probably post my casting calls here, as well as the places i'm already advertising on, if anyone is interested at all. I honestly think that RPG has given me the writing confidence to put my work out there for people other than those in my immediate group to read/listen to and now i want to try and pass that along. If anyone is interested, please do leave a comment on this and i'll answer pretty much anything i can.