After the man walked away, Raine could be seen standing there with a slightly confused look on her face. Never had she had someone to respond in a way that he did and she had no idea how to react to it. Shaking her head, she tried to clear her mind of the confusion and focus on the task at hand: getting information from the big bulk of a man. Judging from his size, the man was immensely strong. [i]But I also smelled alcohol on him when I brought him back into the alley…maybe I could use that to my advantage?[/i] Raine mentally asked herself as she paced back and forth quietly in the area behind the tax collection booth. [i]Attacking him is out of the question…I’d rather not have my head be squashed nor do I want to go to jail…[/i] Raine happened to look up while she was thinking and saw a pair of women giggle and wave as they walked past the man at the booth. He reacted as ay man would and an idea suddenly popped into the assassin’s mind. She would have to flirt with the man. Raine would have objected to the idea any other day but this was the only lead she had. She needed the information and would do anything to get it. Sighing a bit, she went further into the alley until she could not be seen by anyone and slipped out of her cloak and tights, which was located under her shorts. Raine had a bit of trouble with it but eventually managed to wrap it around her waist like a skirt. She then slipped out of her chest plate and hid it behind a trash can, leaving her with just a long sleeved shirt and her necklace. The assassin decided to take it off and hide it with her dagger and money bag underneath her make shift skirt. After running her hands through her silver hair, Raine proceeded towards the man once more, silently hoping that this approach would work this time, especially since the man had no idea what she looked like beneath the cloak. “Hi.” She made an effort to make her voice a bit higher than usual as she walked up to the tax collection stand and attempted to smile up at the man, but it came out more like a grimace. “Nice day we’re having here, huh?” Raine was terrible at making conversation and it clearly showed as she fidgeted slightly in front of him. She then realized how weird it would look to randomly approach the tax collection without any money, so she made any attempt to grab a coin without making her cloak fall. She nearly succeeded, but she practically flashed her legs in the process. Poor Raine was completely flustered by the time she finally held out a coin to him. [i]Oh gosh I’ve messed up. Now I’l have to try to run away with this damn cloak wrapped around my waist.[/i] She thought nervously to herself.