Michael and Andy went inside to gather their belongings and Pokémon. Lytse walked over to the sleeping guardian and gently poked him with his front paw. [i]"Mitch, everyone seems to be getting ready to leave,"[/i] he said with a hushed voice so he wouldn't startle him. Then he looked around to see where Sparky was. Andy went to pick up Varina when he found her. "I hope you're looking forward to the party!" he said to her. "Soul! We left Niccia outside, she's catching up with her fellow mythicals." With that he went to the room he had stayed in to grab his backpack. This would be the last day he'd be here; there was no reason to stay longer. The last few days as Michael and Niccia had explored this city, he had borrowed Mindy's Dragonite to go to the ruins of Alph to see how the search was going, but there he had basically been told there was nothing he could do to help. Which was annoying, but it was how it was. At least he was with Frosiien again and he looked forward to that the most. Although meeting that stuck-up Galarian Moltres again could be fun. Michael grabbed the two backpacks and checked the room to see if they really hadn't forgotten anything. Goldenrod was a great city and he was glad to have stayed here. Beating the gym, meeting the people in the daycare. Listening to the stories of his uncle when he had stayed with the parents of the current daycare owner when he had travelled through this region. With both backpacks he went back into the main area to see if all the Pokémon had gone outside as well.