Talk ... Yes. Yes, that's what she'll do. Gently calm the beast, assuage its fears, bring calm and rationality back to it. And she knows just what to say, because this is a fear she understands, in a way. How many times has she been trying to avoid, to escape, to hide from someone out to get her? Not in the exact same way, because she's no beast being hunted by a determined killer, but certainly she has evaded many a determined prankster in her life. This is what she is good at: keeping herself - and others, if she chooses - safe from pursuit, from mischief and harm. And this beast, blind in its panic, is not doing very well as far as she's concerned. The only reason it hasn't been caught yet, it would seem, is because it's faster than its hunter. But with all the chaos it's creating in its wake, it isn't very hard to follow. What if it could lose its hunter and stop running, at least for a time? This is the offer she lets seep into her voice as she recovers from the shock of the chaos and turns her attention to the frightened beast and the hope of calming it. "I can keep you safe," she whispers in a soothing voice. "As is my right, and would be my privilege, I will help you escape your hunter, if you will let me." Win Someone Over: 2+2+1 = 5, well damn it. I guess my offer has been made, and I'll ask my question as I prepare for the worst: what is the crux of its reluctance or resistance (to my offer, is how I interpret this question)?