The various countries' militaries have been known to do a variety of illegal and inhumane activities. The world eventually finds out about most of them, but who knows what could be happening right now? Who knows what secrets are hidden from the general public? This roleplay goes through the possibilities of one of these labs. Hidden deep in the Appalachian mountains, there's a secret, hidden entrance disguised as a storage shed. Many miles below ground, there is a laboratory where the US military is holding their experiments on making super-soldiers. The oldest of these kids are only 16. How will these experiments go? What will happen to the failed experiments? CS- Name: (First name and 6-digit number between 010105 and 123109) Appearance: Personality: Abilities: (Each character can have 3 connected abilities that make sense. For example; super speed, friction resistance, enhanced perception. The wider apart the powers are, the weaker each one will be. Those with only a single power will be stronger with that power than others but will not have as many solutions to most problems.) Doctor: (I will make a list of doctors to pick from depending on the powerset you choose.)