The walk to the city keep was an interesting one. A few soldiers gawked at the Prince and his retinue as they walked through the streets. Others gave their due honors, bowing and nodding as they passed. All the while, Leonidas was openly discussing racial prejudice with his officers. The warlock had known Prince Leonidas since he was in his mother's crib, and because of that, this information was nothing new to him. The Prince meant well, and he certainly had a point. Indeed, reform was certainly possible. To eliminate racial discrimination within the Empire was not an easy task, as noble as it may be. It would explain why the Prince was so eager to induct foreigners and members of other races in his retinue-- by displaying to the world that the Crown Prince's most trusted men and women were not only Human, but also Elf, Dwarf, and Beastman showed a great deal of solidarity. It proved that, at least on a small scale, cooperation and fellowship was possible. ...but Balthazar knew that things were rarely that simple. As the Prince's Royal Guard, these men and women were the best of the best-- and because of that, they were under great scrutiny. Any failure or misstep would be noticed and remembered. If these occur, they may even set relations back for generations to come. The warlock's thoughts drifted to Zatana; if word got out that she was a Drow, men and women across the Empire would treat her with suspicion, and if-- no, [i]when[/i] her loyalties become divided, people will remember what she does. Like it or not, she was the representative of her race, and she knew it. If the Prince truly wished to see a united Empire of Man, Elf, Dwarf, and Beast, he would need to choose who he trusts with great care. "[color=#239C89]Well said, Your Majesty.[/color]" Balthazar commented as they walked. "[color=#239C89]Though if I may speak? Grudges and bad blood remain long after the deed is done for a reason: to forget how an enemy had wronged you is... naive. Very rarely do people perform injuries upon one another without a reason.[/color]" He explained. "[color=#239C89]A good man may choose to forgive an enemy, but a wise man would remember what they had done.[/color]" "[color=#239C89]To forgive your enemies, but to remember their names.[/color]" He said. "[color=#239C89]To offer one hand, but arm the other... that is how diplomacy must be done.[/color]" Balthazar concluded. "[color=#239C89]Perhaps in a perfect world, all deals could be done in good faith. In a perfect world, men like me would not exist.[/color]" "[color=#239C89]...but this is not a perfect world.[/color]" His gaze was vacant, his mind elsewhere for just a moment before he returned to reality. He spoke no further, simply allowing the Prince and his retinue to absorb the meaning in his words. Heavy-handed as it may have been, he hoped that the Prince would learn a little something from it. Balthazar was at Leonidas' side as they entered the keep. Many of the Prince's retinue had accompanied them to the Keep, but only nobility could join the War Council. The Prince was, of course, required little in the way of explaining: he was royalty belonging to the Grand Empire of Man. To decide against inviting him would be a grave insult. Balthazar, on the other hand, was a noble of House Trevarthen. He was in charge of a small province in the countryside, though his duties to the Emperor have made it so that he has little time to manage his own area. Due to the lack of an heir, the warlock had left the province in the rule of a governor that he had appointed. The last time he checked, the area was prosperous enough to suit his needs. "[color=#239C89]Duke Karstilli.[/color]" Balthazar bowed formally. "[color=#239C89]It is good to see you again, though I wish it were under better circumstances.[/color]" They had seen each other several times during courtly functions, and although they were not friends, they were acquainted enough. "[color=#239C89]Perhaps we can share our insights in regards to the battle to come; though I suspect it will not be anything you hadn't already known.[/color]" He commented politely-- for Balthazar to insinuate that he had a better idea about the invasion to come would be a tad insulting, so he opted to take the edge off with a few clever words here and there.