[@The Man Emperor][@King Cosmos] [img]https://comicvine1.cbsistatic.com/uploads/original/11115/111151927/5872089-7844188935-Ultim.jpg[/img] [color=ed1c24][u][b]Templar[/b][/u][/color] The large knight was knocked backwards a few feet away from the hero; stumbling onto his back onto the dirty alley floor. Slowly getting back up; his armor was rattling as he sat back up and got back up onto his feet. Picking up his sword and slowly holding it in front of his face; It seemed this man was so adamant to not let him leave the area. However he could see to the left of him a door into the building beside them; he could break the door and try to escape. But he was a knight and knights do not leave the battlefield; it was cowardly and he did not want be dishonored. His sword becoming covered by the cement underneath them; being covered in the hard rock. Running towards the hero; swinging his sword at the hero’s head to try and knock him down. If he was not successful then he would try to grab the hero’s throat with his armored hand. ------------------------------- [img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/marvel_dc/images/0/0f/RagDollTheBatman.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20100110173523[/img] [color=0072bc][u][i]Verdrehte[/i][/u][/color] Verdrehte in his disguise was failing around seeing the hero coming towards him; During the commotion his bag was slowly being squeezed. The thief was starting to become worried that his painting was going to be crushed. However he was not worried about the money once the painting was sold; he was more worried about being caught and not being able to get the thrill of stealing. With the drones resist him he looked up at the hero with a grimace. “What the hell are you thinking; attacking a homeless person. Don’t you people have anything better to do then to harass me?” Wiggling around and seeing a small crowd of people gathering to watch the commotion. He could see some of the crowd members holding phones recording; Thinking this could work in his favor. “Now let me go goddamn it” He yelled out glaring at the hero.