[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180804/59e33c13301c63b568e5eb178a837406.png[/img] [hider=Stats] 20/13|Male/Male|Reinforcement, Beast Mystic, Melee|Duplication, Tentacles|Deity Enhanced Sustenance, Awareness, Masculinity, Fated, Sorcery, Gifted, Absolute Direction Paragon, Blessing, Clergy, Mana Fount, Gifted Item Arrogance, Unknown, Loud, Big Brother [/hider] [/center] When Alexander and Hilaria reached the battlefield, it was already chaos. '[color=aba000][i]I'm starting to understand old war movies better.[/i][/color]' While Alexander was no stranger to fighting, or even massed combat, something about this just felt more like trench warfare then any other time before. Not wanting to waste any time, he hurried over to the girls who had just been hurt by what he could only call a frag spear, while putting up chest high barriers in front of whoever he saw. Once he got to the first girl he put up another chest high barrier, crouched down, and made a few clones. Said clones rushed off to grab more wounded as Alex got to work. '[color=aba000][i]And once again, I'm stuck on healing duty. Fucking hell.[/i][/color]' Once the girl he was healing was back up, he gave her a quick back on the back while also slapping a forcefield on her "[color=aba000]On your feet soldier[/color]" he said while channeling his best NCO. With a bit of time before his first clone arrived with another wounded, he spotted Hilaria and put a forcefield on her as well, along with all the others he could spot before then next patient came to him. As he was healing her, a thought came to him '[color=aba000][i]...I wonder...[/i][/color]' Once he finished the next girl and placed a forcefield on her, he made another clones and started channeling magic to it. With it's own supply of magic, the clone then placed a strengthening buff on Hilaria, and then did nothing but keep it up. In the few seconds he had before then next patient arrived, he replaced and/or repaired any barriers, while putting forcefields on anyone he could find without one on (or who had lost theirs) '[color=aba000][i]If she's going on the front lines, she's going to need all the help she can get[/i][/color]' Alexander thought as he got to work on the third wounded fighter. [@FamishedPants]