Alba stretched luxuriously. The sun was shining through the slats in the shade. Muffled through the walls she could hear the sounds of the city buzzing with life. She allowed herself a few more moments before she rolled over to snag her phone. [i]Batman sightings in Gotham unsubstantiated[/i] Alba made a small noise of annoyance in the back of her throat. With a few swipes she sent back her own message. [i]Had the thread been pulled?[/i] Alba tossed the phone back down on the other side of the bed. With a groan she rolled out and onto her feet. It had been a late night. Very late. Four days ago Carol Ann had called her about the Pharmaceutical job she had been working. Maria had been found and the appropriate documents had been located. The police had moved in and placed the Johanna family into protective custody pending Samuel’s arraignment. Hair damp Alba returned back to her bed room. Her phone was steadily blinking. [i]Tomorrow the Orchid will be in place[/i] A small smile graced the woman’s face. Three days ago she had started packing after notifying all her clients. Sunrise Yoga was relocating. Rent was too expensive in Seattle. Today the moving company would be by and she’d finally make the leap. She looked back down at the message. Tomorrow her new life started. A nervous thrill settled in her gut as she pulled the sheets off her bed and tossed them in an open box.