[center][h3]Tora & Poppi[/h3] [b]Level 8[/b] Tora (20/80) and [b]Level 7[/b] Poppi (66/70) [b]Location:[/b] Sandswept Sky – Shadow of Vah Naboris Primrose's [@Yankee], Fox's [@Dawnrider], Sectonia's [@Archmage MC] Midna's [@DracoLunaris] [b]Word Count:[/b] 517[/center] [hider=Results] [b]Party:[/b] Primrose's [@Yankee], Sectonia's [@Archmage MC] Midna's [@DracoLunaris] [b]Encounter Reward:[/b] 5 EXP [b]Drops:[/b] Thunderblight Ganon spirit, Urbosa spirit[/hider] With the Master of Masters' advice in mind, Primrose collected the spirits of the fallen warriors and offered them to any willing takers. She scarcely needed to tell the gathered heroes that fusing with the feral monster might not be a good idea, and the collective opinion more than concurred with her. Given the changes absorption could manifest in a person, Poppi couldn't particularly fault anyone for not wanting to merge period. As nice as hitching a ride across the desert on this titanic camel sounded, it wasn't strictly necessary. Still, she felt some relief when Midna floated up to accept the spirit, noting with a sideways glance that Tora's excitement only seemed to mount. All eyes lay on the imp as she prepared to take in Urbosa's spirit, which she used to caution the others about someone called Ganondorf—a powerful enemy, Poppi supposed, although their mission made facing powerful enemies not just an eventuality but a necessity. After saying her piece, Midna began the fusion, vanishing and reshaping in a shower of multicolored light. Even though the light, however, all could see her shooting upward in height [center][hider=For Midna]Notable spirit consumed: [b][url=https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/7161b496-42e2-4c07-8e68-c9a6b49e771e/dcclgee-309d1126-0cf5-4d92-af15-4c2d350affa5.png/v1/fill/w_752,h_1063,strp/urbosa_by_lulles_dcclgee-pre.png?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOiIsImlzcyI6InVybjphcHA6Iiwib2JqIjpbW3siaGVpZ2h0IjoiPD0xMjQwIiwicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvNzE2MWI0OTYtNDJlMi00YzA3LThlNjgtYzlhNmI0OWU3NzFlXC9kY2NsZ2VlLTMwOWQxMTI2LTBjZjUtNGQ5Mi1hZjE1LTRjMmQzNTBhZmZhNS5wbmciLCJ3aWR0aCI6Ijw9ODc3In1dXSwiYXVkIjpbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmltYWdlLm9wZXJhdGlvbnMiXX0.RsrlhygO2c4RHZhkGhC14nG66ViQD_p9fzt-sr7mYS8]Urbosa[/url][/b] Midna has ascended to the approximately halfway between her and Urbosa's height and proportions, combining Gerudo muscle with Twilit shapeliness, and the bluish portions of her skin have taken on Urbosa's shade. Her nose has gotten longer and stronger, with a higher peak, and her ponytail is both fuller and reaches her waist. Her fused shadow is now gilded, and she also gains golden earrings, wristbands, and a gilded belt holding up a black waist wrap. She has an increased warrior spirit and sense of nobility, although her sense of playfulness is preserved and even enhanced. This spirit confers the Strength [b]Champion Mindset[/b], increasing Midna's natural authority and charisma and giving her a complete affinity for the Divine Beast Vah Naboris. It also confers the Weakness [b]Fated End[/b], causing heavy stress when facing either electric enemies or enemies wielding a sword and shield, and near-paralysis if facing an enemy with both[/hider][/center] Soon after the fusion completed, leaving Tora utterly agape and Poppi utterly unamused, Skull approached from the direction of the forward window. “Hey, boss!” He waved to get Joker's attention, as well as that of the other heroes. “I went up to take a look around, and you won't believe what I saw. There's a pyramid!” Joker's gaze fixed on him. “Show me.” A few moments later the two thieves stood on the neck of Vah Naboris, gazing across the vast and trackless desert. It took a moment to find the pyramid, but Skull directed the attention of his compatriots at what could only have been the shimmer of an oasis. “There, just on the other side of the water! It's gotta be hers, right?” Crossing his arms, Joker squinted to get a better look. “Could be. It's not a serious detour from the way to the mountain either. Couldn't hurt to check.” Hopefully Midna agreed, and would use her newfound link to the divine beast to direct the team there. Tora, meanwhile, had waddled over to Primrose. He jumped up and down in front of her. “Only catch small glimpse, but Tora saw friend Primrose dance, right? Was amazing, meh! Sort of like friend Din, but with whole different flair. Dancers wonderful for adventure, both lift spirits in fight and out! Tora very happy to have wonderpon Primrose along!” He then reached out for the other spirit. “Oh, and can Tora have this, meh? Was hoping it maybe give weapon chip for Drill Shield.” Since nobody else seemed to want it, she could scarcely keep it for herself, and Tora shattered it eagerly. From the resulting flash came exactly what he hoped for—a little core chip that shone with either. Once Poppi switched to her Alpha form, he plugged it into the Drill Shield, and the weapon transformed from a hodgepodge of wood and iron into a metal shield of intricate design. “Ooh, this can really do work!” [center][hider=For Tora]He has acquired: [b][url=https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/xenoblade/images/e/e5/Drill_Shield_501_0.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/360?cb=20200427124340]Guardian Shield[/url][/b] A Drill Shield with increased destructive and protective power. It possesses some degree of artificial intelligence, enabling more intuitive and efficient use, but is vulnerable to corruption[/hider][/center] [center][h3]Lakeside[/h3] [@ONL] [img]https://cdna.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/004/424/362/large/valentin-levillain-koth-lakeside-1.jpg?1483645865[/img][/center] “Mission begins in thirty seconds!” The no-nonsense voice of the administrator rang out across the battlefield for the umpteenth time, precluding the beginning of another brawl. With a sigh, a [url=https://mordhaumercenaries.com/images/2019/05/30/14th-Century-French-Knight.md.png]mace-wielding Knight[/url] laid his gauntlet-clad hand against the orange gate barring the exit. From here neither he nor anyone else could see much but weathered stone walls and pillars, but just a few turns and a handful of steps beyond lay the fortification overlooking the obelisk-profuse ruins that formed the battlefield over which the factions contended. Every day the mercenaries of Builders League United fought those of Reliable Excavation Demolition in a furious and bloody struggle, to which there seemed to be definitive end. The soldiers fighting on the frontlines couldn't so much as remember the world beyond the chain-link fences and ancient structures, although supposedly the two organizations squared off in countless other turf wars across the world. Neither could anybody accurately describe the conditions that defined one faction's victory. Personally, the knight bet on it being ten straight victories for either team, but even that nebulous goal seemed forever out of reach. It was an eternal stalemate. And the knight, and all those he fought alongside or against, were glad. Fighting was what they lived for. “Smell that?” he asked in a gruff voice. He turned around to face his teammates, the [url=https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/deathbattlefanon/images/a/a0/Community_Heavy_Strategy_Header.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/270?cb=20140907151620]Heavy[/url] and the [url=https://i.pinimg.com/originals/71/cd/af/71cdafe2b4395df2b73b44cc18d163e3.png]Spartan[/url]. “Smells like victory. We're getting this round for sure!” Going quiet, he looked around. “Where's the Medic?” “Changing weapons,” the Spartan told him. “Wants to try that crossbow thing again.” “Ugh, not that thing. He never hits any of us.” Shouldering a sniper rifle, the [url=https://assets-cdn.daybreakgames.com/uploads/dcsclient/000/000/002/121.jpg?v=1.0]Infiltrator[/url] joined them. Behind him followed the [url=https://i.pinimg.com/originals/c2/69/be/c269be785012182122a19c80371ca466.png]Raider[/url], his vicious dane axe sharpened and ready. “If he just kept the syringe gun he wouldn't be tempted to use the crossbow instead of the beam for healing.” “It works well enough,” the Knight argued. “Better than any crossbows where I'm from. Reloads quick, shoots straight and far, and mends my wounds through armor!” The Spartan nudged him. “But you'd still prefer the beam, right?” After a moment, the Knight coughed. “Hm. Yes.” The undeniable voice of the Administrator cut through the banter. “Three, two, one! Fight to the death!” Like clockwork the gates flew open, and the mercenaries burst forward. The Spartan sprinted ahead, followed by the [url=https://www.pngjoy.com/pngm/132/2671530_paladins-paladins-champions-of-the-realm-vivian-transparent.png]Cunning[/url] as she mounted a horse. In squid form, the [url=https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/905837769523646464/GZ0VOaCW.jpg]Inkling[/url] went after them. Disappearing from view, the Infiltrator made for a vantage point atop the fortifications. That left the Knight, the Raider, the [url=https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/battleborn/images/d/d7/Render_Ambra.png/revision/latest?cb=20160920054301]Priestess[/url], and the Heavy to charge for the front lines. “Come on, fat man!” the old Knight practically sang. “Last one to crack a BLU's head pays for the first round!” [center][h3]Edge of the Blue – Limsa Lominscuttle Town[/h3] Ace Cadet's [@Yankee], Sakura's [@Zoey Boey], Link's [@Gentlemanvaultboy], Junior and Kamek's [@DracoLunaris], Hat Kid's [@Dawnrider], Geralt's [@MULTI_MEDIA_MAN], Isabelle's [@Eviledd1984][/center] After a short conference everyone was up to date on Peach's finding from her meeting with the Admiral. The general consensus confirmed her assumption: the members of Blue Team would much rather strike out on their own, wielding their own strength against whatever odds, than gamble on the robed stranger's plan and the ominous Maw. “No need to call me 'Your Majesty'.” She told Sakura, suppressing a smile. Even the old princess never leaned much on formality, and she certainly didn't plan to start now. But this girl seemed nothing if not earnest. “Just 'Peach' is fine. As for an airship...” She watched Hat Kid zoom away, leaping and scooting across the veritable platforming heaven that Limsa's seastacks, bridges, and rigging provided. “We're not just going to get an airship and more than we're going to get a boat, and I'd doubt that we have the purchasing power to gain one, if they're even for sale. We would need to rely on the cooperation of whomever will sell us their service.” She tapped a finger against her chip thoughtfully. “Given that our destination is unknown and on the other side of a stretch of monster-infested ocean universally shunned and feared by the citizenry, cooperation may be too expensive to buy.” She watched a late ship girl run by on the way to the marina, her rigging in disarray. Remembering how easily her kind sped across the surface of the water, a thought entered her head, but she shook it out immediately. Even if it weren't morally bankrupt, it would be extremely dangerous. Her mind turned to the Admiral's challenge. “I suppose the question is what exactly it means to solve the problem of the Abyssal Fleet. The navy here seems able to destroy its vessels, but the Admiral mentioned the same enemies returning again and again, although not immediately, since that would make the war far more hopeless than those girls looked. If enemies never stopped spawning, the same ones wouldn't appear over and over.” She felt close to a revelation, but couldn't quite flush it out. Unable to contribute further, she consented to visiting the airship landing. The highest stack in Limsa loomed over the whole city, but it couldn't be said to be large. Instead of a hangar it struck Peach as more of a dock, with the tower itself like the middle of a flower and the landing pads arranged around it like petals. The middle area housed the attendants' counters and seating, as well as a small staircase leading to Sky's Hatchery on a layer above, from which the cries and squawks of birds issued forth. While the others got busy looking around or making their own inquiries, Peach approached the main counter. “Hey. Would it be possible to fly over the Bottomless Sea?” Looking at Peach like she was crazy, the man snickered. “Hah, sure.” It took a moment for him to realize she was serious. “Oh...you're not kidding? Well, uh, no way. Even if it's not storming, that place is crazy dangerous. These airships are for transport, not combat, and it doesn't take a lot to drop them. Plus, they're always busy hauling freight. Nobody's stiffing the merchants to risk their necks. Unless you're some crazy-rich queen or something.” Frowning, Peach half-turned away. “Well, not a queen, but you ought to see my...treasury...” Her eyes went wide. “Oh. Oh! Damn, I'm stupid.” She ignored the worker's look and turned to face Link. “I forgot about the treasury in my castle! It's got everything Mario's collected in years and years. We might have enough gold to get our own ship, after all.” She hurried to gather the others. “I've got tons of money in my castle. If we can get it here, we can probably buy a vessel. It wounds like the airships aren't combat-worthy, but maybe they've got a ship or two lying around after the navy came to be. At the very least Brineybeard might give us Shippy if we set him up for life.” She held up her hands. “So that means we need some people to go to my castle, and the rest to try and find a vessel that's for sale and suits our needs. Then we either solve the Abyssal Fleet problem to get the Admiral's help, or go straight for the Bottomless Sea ourselves. Sound good?” Her eyebrows fell. “...Of course, the portal to Lumbridge is back on that Inky..uh, Inkwell Isle. So getting back might be tough. And getting the gold here. Damn, if we could just zoom over the water like those girls...” Cursing inwardly as well as outwardly, she regretted thinking aloud. She didn't want the thought to gnaw at anyone else. [center][h3]Dead Zone – Hell-bent City[/h3] Blazermate's [@Archmage MC], Banjo & Kazooie's [@Dawnrider], Linkle's [@Gentlemanvaultboy], Bowser's [@DracoLunaris] Doom Slayer's [@Eviledd1984][/center] After a brief but furious struggle, Nightmare timed out, leaving the Slayer the victor but markedly worse for wear. Nobody needed to say it; now was the time to set him free. Dante watched as Blazermate boosted forward, pulling from her core another warmly glowing heart of pink energy. She slammed it into the fatigued Doom Slayer with all the force she could muster, and he took to it like a fish out of water. The ashes clinging to his armor drifted away like dust in the wind, and his bloodlust evaporated like morning dew. Within his helmet, the sunset-red light of Galeem's influence faded, leaving a still-scary but no-longer-corrupted face. Dante stroked her hairless chin and gave a sagely nod. “Hmm, yes, I think I see...!” She stumbled as V pushed past her, his cane clenched in his hand. With a deadly serious face he called forth both Shadow and Griffon, heading straight for the Slayer. Though just for a moment, the legendary devil hunter got a look at his eyes, and identified the same malignant luster that she saw glowing inside the Slayer's helmet only moments ago. “He's on his last legs,” V observed coolly. “Now we may end this menace for good.” “Hold up, champ!” Dante called, stepping forward and clapping a hand on V's shoulder. The mysterious one whirled on her, his cane poised to strike. Putting a hand to her chest, Dante emulated the motion shed seen both Bowser and Blazermate perform before, and without the slightest issue manifested a Friend Heart. “Here, this one's on me.” Before the man could strike her she slapped the heart right into him. Hard. To the tune of a meaty smack V just about fell over, clutching his cheek. “Gah...in what furnace was thy brain?!” Yet when he glared at Dante, his eyes held no worrisome light, and his familiars made their way to his side. Griffon glanced at Dante briefly, thinking about making a witty remark or threat, but thought better of it. She shrugged, and V shook himself off before standing up straight. “Well, if we're quite finished wasting our collective time with useless brawls, we should rejoin the others.” “Aw yeah!” Dante agreed, looking over the assembled fighters. “We've got a good bunch together, huh? More that can fit in that van, that's for sure. Heh, the chumps in this place won't know what hit 'em.” A white streak shot out of the destroyed building “We're not through with you yet!' Tess howled, diving at Dante from behind. She swung her cleaver and drove it into Dante's unprotected shoulder. “Hah!” Dante barely moved. She turned to place Sparda in the way, causing the cleaver to ricochet off the blade, then spun with a turning punch strong enough to slam Tess into the ground and pop her up. “Get...” The devil hunter leaped skyward, pulling out another Friend Heart, and raised both hands above her head. “Dunked on!” True to her word, she dunked the wraith straight to the ground, hearting her in the process. When the dust cleared, it left behind a lightly-dusted Dante and one very dizzy ghost. “Alright, hopefully that's the last one,” she declared, cheerily. “Let's boogie.” [hr] A few minutes later, Red Team stood on the other side of the sunken rubble formerly known as the Super Gore Nest, by the half-deli. A fresh coating of ash painted the area—Nero had been busy while the others were out. Dante chowed down on the remaining third of her sandwich, it having been sitting on a table in the musty air all this time, while Nero took stock. “So...let's see. Me, Dante, V, Nadia, Raidou, Slayer, Donovan, Banjo and Kazooie, Jak and Daxter, Blazermate, Bowser, Linkle, and Tess.” He shrugged. “Well, that's just about enough people, I guess.” Nico prodded him in the side. “Forget summan'?” “Just saving the best for last,” Nero protested, holding his hands up. “Nico. And uh, Pandemonica too.” He glanced over at the van. “Well, we're not getting everyone in there.” V glanced down the street, spotting movement. “It matters not, for our goal is near. The last root stands just a few blocks south. Though getting there may not be uneventful.” “We'll just roll over 'em,” Nadia assured him. “If not with the van, with our numbers. But I call shotgun, 'kay?” Nero watched her scamper toward the vehicle, sighing. “That's where I sit.” He turned to see a number of eyes on him. “What're you all looking at me for? He's in charge, right?” After pointing toward Bowser, he headed after his feral ally, and Nico went for the driver's seat. After a few moments of figuring out who would be riding and who wouldn't, the Minotaurus was off.